SECTION 120.01 Eligible List and Certification
   The Commission shall establish suitable eligible lists for appointments in the unskilled labor classifications. These lists shall be maintained on a continuous basis.
   The eligible lists shall consist of the names of those persons who meet the minimum requirements as established by the Commission and will be arranged in order by date of filing. Any person whose name is on an unskilled labor eligible list shall be continued for six (6) months and certified for vacancies that occur during that six (6) month period. After the six (6) month period a person must reapply if he/she is still interested in being considered for an unskilled labor position. When a certification is requested to fill an unskilled labor position the entire list shall be certified.
   When a certification is issued by the Commission to fill an unskilled labor position the Appointing Authority or his designated representative shall review the applications of people certified, interview those suitable for the specific job or jobs to be filled, and select the person or persons found to be most suitable. Before appointment, the person or persons selected must pass a medical examination required for employment in an unskilled labor position.