Article I: General Provisions
12.01 Findings and purpose
12.01.01 Definitions
Article II: Nuisance Conduct and Conditions
Division A: Public Nuisance Property Conditions
12.02 Public nuisance prohibited
12.03 Property conditions constituting a public nuisance or public health nuisance
12.04 Public nuisance or public health nuisance abatement orders
12.05 Access to private property and responsibility to abate public nuisance or public health nuisance
12.05.01 Appeals, summary abatement
12.06 Failure to abate; abatement by city; assessment thereof
Division B: Prohibited Nuisance Conduct
12.07 Purpose
12.07.01 Trespassing - purpose
12.08 Definitions
12.08.01 Reserved
12.08.02 Reserved
12.08.03 Reserved
12.09 Prohibited conduct
12.10 Issuance of trespass notice
12.11 Additional provisions
12.11.05 Restrictions on the discharge of fireworks
12.11.06 Participation in unlawful gatherings
12.11.07 Disorderly house and false report to public officer prohibited
12.11.08—12.11.15 Reserved
12.11.20—12.11.24 Reserved
12.12 Penalty
Division C: Nuisance Service Call
12.13 Reserved
12.14 Reserved
12.15 Nuisance service call fee
12.16 Penalty and severability
Division D: Public Indecency
12.17 Purpose
12.18 Findings
12.19 Definitions
12.20 Public indecency prohibited
12.21 Severability
Division E: Improper Display of Sexually-Oriented Materials
12.22 Purpose
12.23 Definitions
12.24 Display restrictions
12.25 Penalty
12.26 Severability
Division F: Juvenile Curfew
12.27 Purpose
12.28 Findings
12.29 Definitions
12.30 Prohibited acts
12.31 Defenses
12.32 Criminal penalties
12.33 Severability
Division G: Vandalism of Public Property
12.34 Prohibited
Division H: Firearms, Weapons and Concealed Weapons
12.35 Definitions
12.36 Prohibited actions
12.37 Exceptions
12.38 Special permits
12.39 Ineligible persons
12.40 Revocation of permit
12.41 Penalty
12.42 Reserved
Division I: Parachuting and Aircraft Landings and Takeoffs
12.43 Scope
12.44 Definitions
12.45 General rule
12.46 Exceptions
12.47 Permits
Division J: Gambling
12.48 Lawful gambling permitted
12.49 Authorized organizations
12.50 Authorized locations
12.51 Filing of records; investigations
12.52 Approval of premises permits
12.53 Prohibited hours of lawful gambling
12.54 Reserved
12.55 Distribution of proceeds
12.56 Location limitations
12.57 Control of gambling devices and proceeds
12.58 Reserved
12.58.01 Reserved
12.59 Reserved
12.60 Violations
Division K: Drug Paraphernalia
12.61 Purpose
12.62 Definition
12.62.01 Reserved
12.63 Evidence
12.64 Offenses
12.65 Penalty
12.65.01 Reserved
12.66 Civil forfeiture
12.67 Severability
Division L: Controlled Substances
12.68 Unlawful use of controlled substances
Division M: Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
12.69 Unlawful consumption of alcoholic beverages
Division N: Graffiti
12.70 Purpose
12.71 Findings
12.72 Definitions
12.73 Graffiti vandalism
12.74 Graffiti abatement
12.75 Administrative hearing process
12.76 Failure to abate; abatement by city; assessment therefor
12.77 Penalty
12.78 Severability
Division O: Smoking Prohibited
12.79 Findings of fact and purpose
12.80 Definitions
12.81 Prohibitions
12.82 Responsibilities of proprietors
12.83 Retaliation prohibited
12.84 Private prohibitions
12.85 Other laws
12.86 Penalty
12.87 Severability
12.88 Effective date
12.89 Reserved
Division P: Social Host
12.89.01 Purpose and findings
12.89.02 Authority
12.89.03 Definitions
12.89.04 Prohibited acts
12.89.05 Exceptions
12.89.06 Severability
12.89.07 Penalty
Division Q: Possession of Catalytic Converter
12.89.08 Possession of detached catalytic converter
12.89.09 Penalty
Article III: Reserved
Article IV: Animal Code
Division A: General Provisions
12.90 Findings and purpose
12.91 Definitions
12.92 Adopted by reference
12.93 Cruelty to animals
12.94 Duties of officers in investigating cruelty complaints
12.95 Trapping of animals
12.96 Animals as promotional devices
12.97 Notification of injured animal
12.98 Sanitation
12.99 Noise made by animals
12.100 Running at large prohibition
Division B: Domestic Animals
12.101 Limitation on number of domestic animals
12.102 General dog regulations
12.103 Transportation of dogs
12.104 Regulations regarding domestic animal shelters
12.105 Regulations regarding potentially dangerous animal
12.106 Regulations regarding dangerous animals
Division C: Rabies Control
12.107 Purpose; applicability
12.108 Definitions
12.109 Vaccination requirements
12.110 Disposition of rabies suspects
12.111 Disposition of animals bitten or exposed by a rabid animal
12.112 Impoundment of unvaccinated animals
12.113 Responsibilities of veterinarians and owners
12.114 Reports of persons treated for animal bites
Division D: Chickens, Farm Poultry, Farm Animals, and Bees
12.115 Chickens
12.116 Farm poultry and farm animals
12.116.01 Beekeeping
12.117 Owner responsible
12.118 Prohibited conduct
12.119 Exceptions
Division E: Wild Animals
12.120 The keeping or selling of wild animals prohibited
12.121 Exceptions; permits and licenses
12.122 Feeding of wild animals prohibited
Division F: Inspection and Enforcement of the Animal Code
12.123 Animal enforcement procedures
12.124 Inspections and enforcement
12.125 Impoundment procedures
12.126 Redemption of impounded animals
12.127 Dogs, cats and ferrets purchased or adopted from the animal control shelter; spaying or neutering required
12.128 Impoundment and boarding fees
12.129 Variances to the Animal Code
12.130 Penalties and severability
Article V: Access to Residential Housing Structures by United States Census Bureau Employees
12.131 Purpose
12.132 Findings
12.133 Prohibition
12.134 Permission to leave census materials
12.135 Exceptions
Article VI: Harmful Practices and Conduct — Prohibition of Conversion Therapy
12.136 Findings and purpose
12.137 Severability
12.138 Definitions
12.139 Prohibited conduct
12.140 Enforcement and penalties
Article VII: Targeted Residential Picketing
12.145 Findings and purpose
12.146 Definitions
12.147 Prohibition
12.148 Penalty
12.149 Severability