The following actions are prohibited:
   (a)   The wearing under clothing, concealing on his or her person, or displaying in a threatening manner any ;
   (b)   Possession of a in a except as permitted under the Minnesota Citizen’s Personal Protection Act (MCPPA), M.S. §§ 624.714 through 624.719, as they may be amended from time to time;
   (c)   The transport of a in a motorized vehicle, except:
      (1)   In a closed and fastened container or securely tied package, in the locked trunk of a vehicle or if the vehicle does not have a trunk, in the farthest rear portion of the vehicle in an area not normally occupied by the driver or passengers, and while unloaded, disassembled or otherwise rendered incapable of immediate operation; and
      (2)   As permitted under MCPPA, M.S. §§ 624.714 through 624.719, as they may be amended from time to time;
   (d)   The discharge or use of a anywhere within the corporate limits of the city;
   (e)   The reckless handling or use of a so as to endanger the safety of another;
   (f)   Possession of any , dangerous article or substance, for the purpose of being used unlawfully as a weapon against another;
   (g)   Possession on the person or in a vehicle of any while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance;
   (h)   The aiming of any , whether loaded or not, at or toward any human being;
   (i)   The manufacture, transfer or possession of metal knuckles or a switch blade knife opening automatically;
   (j)   The furnishing of a or ammunition to a under the age of 16 years to handle, control or use, even temporarily, outside of the parent’s or guardian’s presence unless the is participating, with the permission of the parent or guardian, in an organized target shooting program with adult supervision or in a firearms safety program under the direction of the Commissioner of Natural Resources;
   (k)   The possession, use or control of a by a under the age of 16 years except in the context of an organized target shooting program with adult supervision or in a firearms safety program under the direction of the Commissioner of Natural Resources undertaken with the permission of the parent or guardian; and
   (l)   The hunting or shooting of any animals or birds except by authorized law enforcement officers in the discharge of their official duties.
(1958 Code, § 185.01) (Recodified by Ord. 98-53, passed 11-16-1998; Ord. 99-14, passed 7-6-1999; deleted and added by Ord. 2007-40, passed 11-5-2007)