Article I: Water
11.01 Applications for service installations and water service
11.02 Service charges
11.03 Time for connection
11.04 Property assessments for service installations
11.05 Maintenance of water accounts
11.06 Water rates
11.07 Delinquent water accounts
11.08 Discontinuance of service - ordinance violations
11.09 Discontinuance of service - unpaid construction costs
11.10 Deficiency of water and shutting off water
11.11 Turning on water
11.12 Multiple connections
11.13 Tapping of mains prohibited
11.14 Repair of leaks
11.15 Abandoned services; penalties
11.16 Service pipes
11.17 Water meters
11.18 Water meter setting
11.19 Use of fire hydrants
11.20 Cross connections prohibited
11.21 Water use confined to premises
11.22 Connections beyond city boundaries
11.23 Critical water deficiency
11.24 Contamination of wells
11.24.01 Severability
Article II: Wastewater
11.25 Applications for service installments and wastewater service
11.26 Connection permits and deadlines
11.27 Property assessments
11.28 Maintenance of accounts
11.29 Wastewater rates and billing
11.30 Delinquent accounts
11.31 Use of sewers
11.32 Discontinuance of service - unpaid construction costs
11.33 Liability
11.34 Multiple connections
11.35 Building sewers
11.36 Connections beyond city limits
11.37 Penalty
11.38 Enforcement
11.38.01 Severability
Article III: Prepayment of Special Assessments for Local Improvements
11.39 Prepayment of special assessments
11.40 Prepayment of remaining installments
11.41 Partial prepayment assessments
11.41.01 Severability
Article IV:
11.42—11.51.02 Reserved
Article V:
11.52—11.62 Reserved
Article VI: Fees and Rates for Utility Services
11.63 Water rates and wastewater rates
11.64 Water installation and service
11.64.01 Fees and rates for storm water service
11.64.02 Other inspections and fees
11.64.03 Sanctions
11.65 Wastewater service
11.65.01 Solid waste and refuse collection fees
11.66 Severability