The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 9 of the County of San Diego:
All that portion of Sections 19, 20 and 30, Township 10 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved May 14, 1895, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 213 De Anza Golf Estates, according to Map thereof No. 3363 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County; North 21o00' East 193.37 feet; thence North 70o31' East 684.00 feet; thence North 39o43' East 721.85 feet; thence North 68o55' East 317.92 feet; thence North 89o20' East to the Easterly line of the West Half of the West Half of said Section 20, Township 10 South, Range 6 East, S.B.B.M.; thence Northerly along said Easterly line to the Northerly line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 20; thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the West Quarter corner of said section; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said section to the Northerly boundary of said De Anza Golf Estates; thence along said subdivision boundary, South 89o20' West to the Northwest corner of Lot 284 of said subdivision; thence North 61o48'30" West 255.04 feet; thence North 12o48' West 242.35 feet; thence North 6o18' East 570.32 feet; thence North 7o42' West 757.99 feet; thence North 35o30' West 249.23 feet; thence North 65o20' West 896.91 feet; thence South 70o20' West 869.00 feet; thence South 19o40' East 295.46 feet; thence South 17o04' West 265.54 feet; thence South 2o00' East 1968.08 feet; thence South 43o30'30" West 154.02 feet; thence South 80o27' West 1153.82 feet; thence South 46o24'30" West 353.68 feet; thence South 12o22' West 381.45 feet; thence South 63o56' West 63.38 feet; thence North 64o30' West 352.63 feet; thence North 39o50' West 197.36 feet; thence North 15o10' West 564.08 feet; thence North 73o28' West 490.61 feet; thence South 10o10' East 205.95 feet to a point in the arc of a 340 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly, a radial line of said curve bearing North 10o10' West to said point; thence Southwesterly and Southerly along said curve, 412.81 feet through an angle of 69o34'; thence tangent to said curve South 10o16' West 142.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 40 foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence counterclockwise along said curve, 125.66 feet through an angle of 180o00'; thence leaving said curve South 79o44' East 131.36 feet; thence South 10o16' West 161.87 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1120.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Southerly, Southeasterly and Easterly along said curve 1612.68 feet through an angle of 82o30'; thence tangent to said curve, South 72o14' East 646.15 feet; thence South 21o00' East 118.31 feet to a point in the arc of a 40.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly, a radial line of said curve bearing North 21o00' West to said point; thence counterclockwise along said curve 147.30 feet through an angle of 211o00' to a point of reverse curvature concave Southerly, having a radius of 30.00 feet; thence Easterly along said curve 16.23 feet through an angle of 31o00'; thence tangent to said curve North 69o00' East 28.95 feet; thence South 21o00' East 131.58 feet; thence North 69o00' East 353.20 feet; thence North 86o20' East 895.31 feet; thence North 61o23'10" East 609.56 feet; thence South 89o55' East to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 9 and notices of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Section 89.107 (A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 3773 (N.S.), effective 11-11-71)
The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 10 of the County of San Diego:
All that territory in the County of San Diego, State of California, lying within the following described boundaries:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 23, Dauer & Westover, Map No. 728, and as shown on Vista La Mesa Unit No. 2, Map No. 2113, both filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, said corner being a point in the City of La Mesa Boundary as shown on Road Survey No. 1069, filed in the Office of the County Engineer; thence Easterly along said City of La Mesa Boundary and along the Southerly line of said Lot 23 to the Southeast corner of said lot; thence Southeasterly in a direct line to the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of said Map No. 728; thence Southerly in a direct line to the Northerly terminus of the Westerly line of Lot 1, Block N of said Vista La Mesa Unit No. 2; thence Southerly, Southeasterly and Easterly along the Westerly, Southwesterly and Southerly lines of said Lot 1 to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Westerly in a direct line to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 14, Block M of said Vista La Mesa Unit No. 2; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along the Southerly and Southwesterly line of said Block M to the point of tangency with the Easterly line of James Street as shown on said Map No. 2113, being also a point in the City of San Diego Boundary as described in Ordinance No. 6007 (New Series) of the City of San Diego, California adopted March 16, 1954; thence Northerly along said City boundary and along the Westerly boundary of said Block M to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 1 of said Block M; thence Northwesterly in a direct line to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 10 and notices of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Sections 89.107(A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 3863 (N.S.), effective 4-22-72)
The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 11 of the County of San Diego:
All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Diego, State of California lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 442, Lincoln Acres Annexation #4, Map 1754, as filed in the Office of County Recorder; thence Easterly 64 feet along the Northerly line of said Lot; thence South 19o13' East, 10.00 feet; thence South 70o50' West, 5.00 feet; thence South 19o09'46" West, 305.97 feet; thence South 65o33'42" East to the Westerly line of Lot 445 of said Map; thence Southerly along said Westerly line 17.85 feet; thence North 86o21' East, 130 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot; thence Southerly along said line to the Southerly line of said Lot; thence Westerly 59 feet along said Southerly line; thence South 18o59'15" West, 150 feet; thence South 70o47' West, 113 feet; thence South 18o59'15" East to the center line of Ridgeway Drive as shown on said map; thence Northeasterly along said Ridgeway Drive center line to an intersection with the Northerly prolongation of a line 5 feet East of and parallel to the Easterly line of Parcel 16154 of State Right of Way Map LO 45050-2; thence Southerly along said parallel line to its intersection with the Easterly prolongation of a line 5 feet Southerly of and parallel to the Southerly line of said parcel; thence Westerly along said parallel line to its intersection with a line 49 feet Easterly of and parallel to "E" line as shown on said map; thence Southerly and Southwesterly along said line to its intersection with Westerly Right of Way Line of I-805 as shown on State Right of Way Map LO 45049.4; thence Northerly along said line to its intersection with a line 49 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to "E" line as shown on said map; thence Northeasterly and Northerly along said parallel line to its intersection with the Westerly line of Parcel 16154 of State Right of Way Map LO 45050.2; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along said line to its intersection with the Southerly line of Ridgeway Drive as shown on said map; thence Southerly along said line to a point lying 105.95 feet Northeasterly of the Westerly line of Lot 163 as shown on Map 1745 filed in the Office of County Recorder, said point being the point of beginning of 425.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly; thence North 61o41' West, 50.00 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 134, of said map; thence Northeasterly along the Southerly line of Lot 134 and 133 to a point 10.23 feet Easterly of the Westerly line of Lot 133; thence North 55o08' West to the Southerly line of Lot 132 of said Map; thence Northeasterly and Easterly along said Southerly line to the Easterly line of said lot; thence Northerly along said Easterly line to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 11 and notices of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Sections 89.107(A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 3925 (N.S.), effective 8-17-72)
The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 12 of the County of San Diego:
All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Diego, State of California lying within the following described boundary.
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot B, Mt. Helix Gateway, Map 2542, as filed with the Office of County Recorder; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot B, and Lots 21 to 17 of said map, to the Easterly line of said Lot 17; thence Southerly along said Easterly line, 160 feet to the Northerly line of Campo Road; thence Easterly along said Northerly line 256.9 feet to the beginning of a 25 foot radius curve concave Northwesterly; thence Northeasterly along said curve to a line of Lot 13, of said map; thence Northerly along said parallel line 25 feet; thence Easterly along a line 100 feet North of and parallel to the center line of Campo Road as shown on Mt. Helix Gateway No. 1, Map 4622, and Casa De Oro Avocado Estates No. 1, Map 2175, to the Westerly line of Lot 2 of said Map 2175; thence Southerly along said Westerly line to the Southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Lots 2, 3, 5 to 12, 17 to 24, and 29 to 31 of said map and of Lots 85 to 87 of Casa De Oro Avocado Estates No. 2, Map 2172 to the center line of North Granada Avenue as shown on said Map 2172; thence Northerly along said center line to the Westerly prolongation of the Southerly line of San Juan Street as shown on said map; thence Easterly and Southerly along said prolongation to the Northerly line of Casa De Oro Boulevard as shown on said Map; thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the Westerly line of Lot 91 of said map; thence Southerly along the Southerly prolongation of said Westerly line to the Southerly line of Ramona Drive as shown on Casa De Oro Avocado Estates No. 5, Map 2186; thence Easterly and Southerly along said Southerly along said Westerly line to the Southerly line of Ramona Drive as shown on Casa De Oro Avocado Estates No. 5, Map 2186; thence Easterly and Southerly along said Southerly line to the center line of San Juan Street as shown on said map; thence Northwesterly along said Northerly line 170 feet; thence Southeasterly to the center line of said Campo Boulevard; thence Northwesterly along said center line to its intersection with the center line of Campo Boulevard as shown on said map; thence Westerly along said center line to its intersection with the center line of South Granada Avenue as shown on said map; thence Southerly along said center line to its intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of Lots 373 to 375 of said map and of Lots 270 to 272 of Casa De Oro Avocado Estates No. 4, Map 2179; thence Easterly along said Westerly prolongation to the Westerly line of said Lot 270; thence Northerly along said Westerly line and its prolongation to the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Lots 262 to 269 of said Map 2179; thence Westerly along said Easterly prolongation to the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of said Lot 269; thence Southerly along said Northerly prolongation and Easterly line to the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Lots 262 to 269; to the Westerly line of said Lot 262; thence Northerly along said Westerly line and its prolongation to the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Lots 254 to 261, of said map; thence Westerly along said Easterly prolongation to the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of said Lot 261; thence Southerly along said Northerly prolongation and Easterly line to the Southeast corner of said Lot 261; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Lots 254 to 261, to the Westerly line of said Lot 254; thence Northerly along said Westerly line and its Northerly prolongation to its intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Lots 251 to 253, of said map; thence Westerly along said prolongation to the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of said Lot 253; thence Southerly along said Norther prolongation and Easterly line to the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Lots 251 to 253, to the Westerly line of said Lot 251; thence Southerly along the Southerly prolongation of said Westerly line 35 feet; thence Westerly along a line 185 feet South of and parallel to the center line of Campo Road as shown on said Map 4622, a distance of 594.4 feet; thence Northerly 0o26' East 10 feet; thence Westerly along a line 125 feet South of and parallel to the center line of Campo Road as shown on said Maps 4622 and 2542 to the Westerly Right of Way of Kenwood Drive as shown on State Right of Way Map LO - 37549.7; thence Westerly along said Right of Way Line, also being the Northerly Right of Way Map LO - 37549.7; thence Westerly along said Right of Way of Line, also being the Northerly Right of Way of State Highway 94, to the Easterly line of Parcel 9875 of said map; thence Northerly along the Northerly prolongation Campo Road as shown on said map; thence Westerly along said Southerly line 80 feet; thence Northerly to the center line of said Campo Road; thence Westerly along said center line 70 feet; thence Northerly to the Northerly Right of Way of said Campo Road; thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the Westerly line of Parcel 60230, dedicated to the County of San Diego, County Recorder No. 60-165715; thence Northerly along the Northerly prolongation of said Westerly line to a line 132 feet North of and parallel to the center line of Campo Road as shown, on said Map LO-37549.7; thence Easterly along said parallel line to the Westerly line of Lot B, of said Map 2542; thence Northerly along said Westerly line to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 12 and notices of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Sections 89.107(A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 3979 (N.S.), effective 11-16-72)
The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 13 of the County of San Diego:
All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Diego, State of California lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 45, Villanitas #1, Map 7280, filed in the Office of County Recorder; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot and its Easterly prolongation to the Southerly line of Lot 46 of said map; thence Easterly along said Southerly line and the Southerly line of Lots 57, 58, 69, 70, 71, 125, 126, 132 and the Easterly prolongation of said Southerly line to the Southerly line of Lot 1 of said map; thence Easterly along said Southerly line to the Southwest corner of Lot 62 of Village Park #1, Map 6755, filed in the Office of County Recorder; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 62, and Lots 28, 26, 25 and the Easterly prolongation of said Southerly line to the Easterly boundary of said subdivision; thence South 16o44'22" West 102 feet to a line 91 feet South of and parallel to the Southerly line of said subdivision; thence Westerly along said parallel line to the Northeast corner of Lot 35, Emerald Classic #2, Map 7228, filed in the Office of County Recorder; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot 35 and Lots 34 to 29 of said map to the Northeast corner of Lot 28, Emerald Classic #1, Map 7013, filed in the Office of County Recorder; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot 28 and Lot 26 and along the Westerly prolongation of said line to the Northerly line of Lot 1 of said Map; thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the Northwest corner of said Lot; thence Westerly along a line 91 feet South of and parallel to the Southerly boundary of said Villanitas #1, to the intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of said subdivision; thence Northerly along said Southerly prolongation to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 13 and notice of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Sections 89.107(A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 3996 (N.S.), effective 12-22-72)
The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 14 of the County of San Diego:
All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Diego, State of California, lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot "D" of Godbolds Subdivision, Map #2303, as filed in the office of the County Recorder; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said lot to the Westerly line of Lot 8 of said map; thence Northerly along said Westerly boundary to the Northwest corner of said Lot; thence Northerly 102 ft. along the Northerly prolongation of the West boundary of said Lot; thence Easterly along a line 102 feet Northerly of and parallel to the North boundaries of Lots #8 and #9 to an intersection with the Northerly prolongation of a line 80 feet East of and parallel to the Easterly boundary of said Lot 9; thence Southerly 430 feet along said parallel line; thence Westerly in a direct line to the centerline of Cuyamaca Street; thence Southerly along said centerline to the intersection with the Westerly prolongation of the South boundary of Lots #8 and #9 and D; thence Westerly along said prolongation to the Southwest corner of Lot D to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 14 and notice of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Sections 89.107(A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 4003 (N.S.), effective 12-29-72)
The following described portion of San Diego County, State of California, is hereby declared to be Underground Utility District No. 15 of the County of San Diego:
All that unincorporated territory in the County of San Diego, State of California, lying within the following described boundary:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Parcel 103-132-06 as filed in the office of the County Recorder; thence Westerly along the Northerly side of said parcel to a point 100 feet from the center line of Main Avenue; thence Southerly along a line parallel to and 100 feet West of the center line of Main Street to the Northerly side of Parcel 103-223-10; thence Easterly along the Northerly side of parcel to a point 65 feet from the center line of Main Avenue; thence Southerly along a line 65 feet West of and parallel to the center of Main Avenue to the Northerly side of Parcel 104-052-07; thence Westerly along the North side of said parcel to a point 100 feet from the center line of Main Avenue; thence Southerly along a line parallel to and 100 feet West of the center line of Main Avenue to the North side of Parcel 104-162-36; thence Westerly and Southerly along the North and West sides of said parcel to the Northwest corner of Parcel 104-162-37; thence South 35o18' East along the West side of said Parcel 228.3 feet; thence along a straight line to the Northeast corner of Parcel 104-162-39; thence Southeasterly along the East side of said parcel to the North curb return of the Southeast corner of said parcel; thence on a line South 89o15' West to the center line of Mission Road; thence Southerly along said center line to the Westerly prolongation of the South side of Parcel 104-340-34; thence Easterly 100 feet along said prolongation and South side of said parcel; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and 100 feet East of the center line of Mission Road to the South side of Parcel 104-133-04; thence Westerly along said South side to a distance 70 feet from center line of Mission Road; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and 70 feet East of said center line to the South side of Parcel 104-132-30; thence Westerly along said South side to a distance 55 feet from said center line; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and 55 feet East of said center line to the South side of Parcel 104-065-27; thence Easterly along said South side to a point 100 feet from center line of Main Avenue; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and 100 feet East of said center line to the Northerly side of Parcel 104-055-22; thence Westerly along said Northerly side to a distance 75 feet from said center line; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and 75 feet East of said center line to the North side of Parcel 103-133-04; thence Westerly along said North side and prolongation to the point of beginning.
The Board of Supervisors shall by subsequent resolution set the dates by which all affected property owners shall be ready to receive underground utility service and by which the utility or utilities must remove all poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and make the necessary underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service within Underground Utility District No. 15 and notice of the adoption of such subsequent resolution shall be given by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the manner provided in Sections 89.107(A) and (B) of this division.
(Added by Ord. No. 4022 (N.S.), effective 1-25-73)