Ordinance Number | Title | Adopted Date | Code Section |
Ordinance Number | Title | Adopted Date | Code Section |
An ordinance amending the Compensation Ordinance relating to peace officer organization leave | 1/13/04 (19) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending portions of Section 362 of the San Diego County Administrative Code relating to building permit fees and planning and land use permit processing fees | 1/14/04 (1) | Administrative Code | |
An ordinance amending article IIIO of the San Diego County Administrative Code relating to the commission on children, youth and families | 2/10/04 (18) | Administrative Code Art. IIIo., §§ 84.90 - 94.99.2 | |
An ordinance changing the zoning classification of the Borrego Springs Youth and Senior Centers Rainbow Assisted Living Community, property in the Desert Subregional Plan Area, REF R01-007 | 2/11/04 (2) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending Section 88.11 of the San Diego County Administrative Code, relating to application fees for historical preservation contracts | 2/25/04 (28) | Administrative Code Art. IV-A, § 88.11 | |
An ordinance amending the Administrative Code, Sections 122, 122.1 and 124 pertaining to the Chief Administrative Officer, Article V pertaining to the auditor and controller, Section 114 pertaining to budget estimates, Section 470 pertaining to out of County Business, Article XI pertaining to the department of the medical examiner, Sections 176.1, 176.3, 176.4 and 176.9 pertaining to the county veterinarian, Article XXXVII pertaining to the public defender, Article XXXVIII-a pertaining to the alternate public defender, and Sections 492 and 493 pertaining to bar association dues | 3/16/04 (21) | Administrative Code | |
An ordinance amending the Compensation Ordinance establishing authorized classification characteristics, and compensation | 3/23/04 (15) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the Administrative Code, Section 495, pertaining to transportation reimbursement | 3/23/04 (15) | Administrative Code Art. XXVIe, § 495 | |
An ordinance adding Chapter 5 to Division 6 of Title 8 of the San Diego County Code to codify the biological mitigation ordinance and add an exemption related to fire clearing REF pod 03-07 | 3/24/04 (29) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Chapter 4 of Division 8 of Title 6 of the San Diego County Code related to removal of combustible vegetation and other flammable materials REF: pod 03-01 | 3/24/04 (29) | Regulatory Code Tit. 6, Div. 8, Ch. 4 (title) | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County Code, relating to grading, clearing and watercourses | 3/24/04 (30) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Section 72.162.4 of the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the county of San Diego | 4/07/04 (13) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Section 810.309 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to fire mitigation fees | 4/20/04 (14) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property REF r03-008 | 4/21/04 (2) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property REF r03-003 | 4/21/04 (3) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property REF r03-016 | 4/21/04 (4) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County Code, relating to waiver of building permit fees for structures damaged in natural disasters REF: pod 04-044 | 4/21/04 (15) | Administrative Code Art. XX, § 362 Sch. F | |
An ordinance amending Section 73 of the San Diego County Administrative Code relating to the acquisition of interests in real property not exceeding $50,000 | 05/04/04 (6) | Administrative Code Art. III, § 73 | |
An ordinance amending Section 73.11 of the San Diego County Administrative Code relating to the procedure for leasing or subleasing county-owned or leased real property | 05/04/04 (6) | Administrative Code Art. III, § 73.11 | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County Zoning Ordinance to extend the time that agricultural employee housing is exempt from specified fees and deposits REF: pod 03-04 | 05/05/04 (3) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the groundwater ordinance, to update the groundwater limitations map | 05/05/04 (15) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending sections 89.20.02 and 89.20.03 of the San Diego county Administrative Code relating to assessment hearing officers | 5/18/04 (17) | Administrative Code Art. IV-C, § 89.20.02 Art. IV-C, § 89.20.03 | |
An ordinance of the winter gardens sewer maintenance district repealing ordinance no. 6003 (N.S), 6945 (N.S), and 9038 (N.S) and readopting sewer service charges, connection fees and annexation fees | 5/19/04 (2) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County Code to extend the time that agricultural employee housing is exempt from specified fees and deposits and the park lands dedication ordinance relating to fee collection | 5/19/04 (12) | Administrative Code Regulatory Code 510.0107.17 52.504 53.129 56.207 58.124 | |
An ordinance adding Section To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 5/19/04 (13) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section 72.142.12. To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the county of San Diego | 5/19/04 (13) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance of the alpine sanitation district repealing ordinance no. 25, 35 and 49 and readopting sewer service charges, connection fees and annexation fees | 5/19/04 (SAN1) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance of the Lakeside Sanitation District repealing ordinance No. 25, 48, 52 and 58 and readopting sewer service charges, connection fees and annexation fees | 5/19/04 (SAN1) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance of the Spring Valley Sanitation District repealing ordinance No. 35, 36, 49 and 68 and readopting sewer service charges, connection fees and annexation fees | 5/19/04 (SAN1) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance providing a procedure for fixing and collecting charges on the tax roll for services within San Diego countywide permanent road division no. 1000, zone No. 1014 ? Lavender Point Lane | 6/16/04 (2) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property in the Pepper Drive ? Bostonia Plan Area REF: r00-005, tm 5206rpl1, p00-010 | 6/16/04 (3) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance adding Section 364.4 to the San Diego county Administrative Code relating to the collection of tax collection service fees | 6/22/04 (11) | Administrative Code Art. XX, § 364.4 | |
An ordinance amending the Compensation Ordinance and establishing authorized classifications, characteristics, and compensation | 6/22/04 (17) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property, REF R98-006 | 6/23/04 (1) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County zoning ordinance relating to damage or destruction of nonconforming structures and a setback exception for certain structures damaged or destroyed by natural disaster, REF: POD-04-05. | 6/23/04 (4) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending Section of the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 6/23/04 (23) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego. | 6/23/04 (23) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section to the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 6/23/04 (23) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending portions of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to food preparation and distribution, and food handlers and relating to bathhouses, and enforcement of state housing law. | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending sections 62.109, 62.685 and 62.687 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to the duties of the county veterinarian and to protection dogs and guard dog operators | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Section 65.107 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to permit fees and procedures for businesses and health regulated activities | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section 68.318 and amending sections 68.311, 69.102, 69.102.1 and 69.102.2 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to septic tanks and seepage pits, and condemnation of buildings | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code 68.312.1 69.102.1, 69.102.2 | |
An ordinance amending sections 68.501, 68.502 and 68.563 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to management of solid waste | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending and adding portions of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, and adding sections to the County Code, relating to the certified unified program agency, regulation of underground storage of hazardous substances, regulation of hazardous materials and regulation of medical wastes | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending division 10 of Title 6 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances relating to general provisions, fees, operational standards and requirements for ambulance, critical care, and non-emergency medical transportation services | 7/14/04 (9) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance repealing and reenacting the county fire code | 7/14/04 (10) | Regulatory Code 35.300.001 -35.39100.060 | |
An ordinance amending the county building code to adopt the 2001 California building code and to add certain fire-resistive construction standards | 7/14/04 (10) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Chapter 1 of division 6 of Title 8 of the San Diego County Code to exempt certain projects from the Coastal Sage Scrub Habitat Loss Permit Process REF pod 04-06 | 7/14/04 (11) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Section 454.1 of the San Diego County Administrative Code, to permit environmental trust fund monies to be used for the San Marcos II landfill closure | 7/28/04 (8) | Administrative Code Art. XXVI, § 454.1 | |
An ordinance adding Article 22, commencing with Section 72.400 to the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, relating to certain privately owned and maintained roads that will be subject to the vehicle code | 07/28/04 (9) | Regulatory Code Tit. 7, Div. 2, Art. 22 | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego county Administrative Code, to disestablish the planning environmental review board and make corresponding procedural changes | 09/22/04 (23) | Administrative Code | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County Code, to reassign jurisdiction for certain land use permits from the planning and environmental review board to the planning commission | 09/22/04 (23) | Regulatory Code (Repealed) 81.614.1 | |
An ordinance amending the San Diego County zoning ordinance, making procedural changes associated with the disestablishment of the planning and environmental review board | 09/22/04 (23) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the Compensation Ordinance and establishing authorized classifications, characteristics, and compensation | 09/28/2004 (13) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance adopting the San Diego county water service ordinance establishing provisions for the use of county owned water facilities | 10/6/2004 (10) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance of the county of San Diego establishing fees and charges for water and sewer service for the Campo Hills Development and the Campo Service Area | 10/6/2004 (10) | Not Codified | |
Add ordinance adding Section To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 10/6/2004 (11)(2A) | Regulatory Code | |
Add ordinance adding Section To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 10/6/2004 (11)(5B) | Regulatory Code | |
Add ordinance adding Section To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 10/6/2004 (11)(5C) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Section Of the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 10/6/2004 (11)(5C) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section 89.298 to the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances to form an underground utility district on La Flecha, underground utility District No. 97 | 12/01/04 (13) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section 89.299 to the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances to form an underground utility district on plaza Bonita Road, underground utility district No. 98 | 12/01/04 (13) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance repealing sections 62.1107. And 72.263. Of the San Diego County Code relating to grazing operations on the Barona Indian reservation | 12/1/04 (17) | Regulatory Code 62.1107 (Repealed) 72.263 (Repealed) | |
An ordinance amending the Compensation Ordinance provision pertaining to anti-terrorist campaign leave | 12/14/04 (26) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending the Compensation Ordinance establishing authorized classifications, characteristics, and compensation | 12/14/04 (27) | Not Codified | |
An ordinance amending portions of Section 362 of the San Diego county Administrative Code and the San Diego County Code relating to building permit fees and planning and land use permit processing fees | 12/15/04 (1) | Administrative Code Art. XX, § 362 Sch. A Art. XX, § 362 Sch. B Art. XX, § 362 Sch. E Art. XX, § 362 Sch. F Art. XX, § 362 Sch. G Regulatory Code 36.427 (Repealed) | |
An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance related to miscellaneous clean-up provisions | 12/15/04 (3) | Not Codified | |
This number not used | Not Codified | ||
An ordinance adding Section To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 12/15/04 (19) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance amending Section Of the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 12/15/04 (19) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance adding Section 72.144.3. To the San Diego County Code relating to traffic regulations in the County of San Diego | 12/15/04 (19) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance to amend Section 142 of the Administrative Code to allow the director of the department of public works to authorize county counsel to initiate action to enforce subdivision improvement security | 12/15/04 (20) | Administrative Code Art. IX, § 142 | |
An ordinance to amend Section 364.2 of the Administrative Code to adjust fees and deposits charged by the department of public works to allow for full cost recovery | 12/15/04 (20) | Art. XX, § 364.2 | |
An ordinance to amend Section 81.506 of the County Code to delete the requirement that the county surveyor provide additional control stations for mapping purposes | 12/15/04 (20) | Regulatory Code | |
An ordinance to amend Section 86.101 of the County Code to authorize the director of the department of public works to issue habitat loss permits in connection with the review of grading and improvement plans | 12/15/04 (20) | Regulatory Code | |
Ordinance providing a procedure for fixing and collecting charges on the tax roll for Stormwater Maintenance zone 3-5142-1 of the San Diego county flood control district. | 12/15/04 FLOOD 1 | Not Codified | |