*Note -- A new Article, consisting of Sections 519.1 to 519.7, inclusive, added by Ord. No. 4913 (N.S.), effective 6-23-77.
It is the policy of the County of San Diego to encourage County officials to participate in nonprofit organizations, and nothing in this Ordinance should be considered to discourage or in any way limit such participation. However, in order to assure disclosure by any County official who may make or participate in the making of any County governmental decision on a request for County funding by a nonprofit organization when such official potentially has a conflict of interest in violation of the provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) of Chapter 1, Division 4, Title 1 of the Government Code relating to financial interests in contracts of the County, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego adopts the following Article:
State law reference(s) -- Conflict of interest, Gov. Code, § 1090 et seq.
The purpose of this Article is to:
(a) Require that every County agency head, department head, appointing authority and every member of the personal staff of an elected County officer shall disclose the name of each nonprofit organization which is currently receiving or may in the future foreseeably apply for County funding and of which such person is an officer or member of the policy-making board;
(b) Require that any County official, including those described in subsection (a) who is involved in the processing of a request for or the approval of County funding for a nonprofit organization of which the official is an officer or member of the policy-making board shall disclose such actual or anticipated involvement at the time a request for such funding is made; and
(c) Provide penalties for failure to comply with these disclosure requirements.
(a) “County funding” means any money or other thing of value provided by the County to any nonprofit organization regardless of the source from which the County received such money or other thing of value.
(b) “County official” means any officer or employee of the County of San Diego including a member of any County board, committee, or commission.
(c) “Nonprofit organization” means any firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, company, business trust, corporation, association, committee, or any other organization or group of persons acting in concert, when such is not intended to earn a profit.
Cross reference(s) -- Definitions, § 20 et seq.