This section applies to individuals who volunteer to serve as a poll worker, or as an election support volunteer, during an election administered by the Registrar of Voters.
(a) General. Volunteer poll workers under the direction of the Registrar of Voters may receive a daily stipend which is intended to offset costs volunteers may incur for transportation, meals and those incidental to the exceptional commitment of time for this civic service.
(b) Training. Attendance at assignment-specific election training program(s) for poll workers designated as precinct inspectors, technical inspectors and clerks is required. If the required training is not completed, the poll worker may only receive a daily stipend for the number of full training days attended. The training stipend is inclusive of on-boarding. No additional daily stipend is provided for on-boarding.
(c) Bilingual Service. Poll workers who are designated to provide bilingual assistance during in-person voting will receive an additional bilingual stipend based on their ability to speak, read and write English and a required Federal, State or County covered language.
(d) Voting & Election Day. Poll workers will receive a daily stipend for each day of service at a vote center when polls are open for voting according to their poll worker assignment, including on Election Day during when polls are open for extended hours. Poll workers will receive an additional stipend for set-up and/or tear-down of a vote center that occurs on a day when polls are not open for voting.
(e) Poll Worker Daily Stipend Amounts.
Poll Worker Assignment | Training Day | Setup or Tear Down (if applicable) | Voting Day (other than Election Day) | Election Day | Voting Day Bilingual | Election Day Bilingual |
Precinct Inspector | $95 | $45 | $160 | $270 | $5 | $10 |
Technical Inspector | $95 | $45 | $145 | $240 | $5 | $10 |
Clerk | $95 | $45 | $135 | $220 | $5 | $10 |
(f) Extraordinary Expense Allowance. Poll workers who volunteer to provide an extraordinary service when requested by the Registrar of Voters will receive the following additional expense allowance for these services:
(1) For travel to and from a vote center site more than 40 miles from the volunteer's home:
$20 per voting day, including Election Day.
(2) For travel to drop-off ballots or collect election equipment/materials at a time or a location different from the volunteer's regularly scheduled vote center site:
Driver: $20 per voting day, including Election Day.
Ride-Along: $10 per voting day, including Election Day.
(g) Election Support Volunteer Stipend & Travel Allowance. A daily stipend and travel expense allowance will be provided to volunteers in the election support volunteer program who do not receive a daily volunteer poll worker stipend. The stipend and travel allowance are intended to offset costs these volunteers may incur for their service and for the use of their personal vehicle to collect and drop off ballots, equipment and/or other election materials from a vote center, ballot drop box or collection center at the request of the Registrar of Voters to a location designated by the Registrar of Voters.
Daily stipend on Voting Days, including Election Day: $75
Training day stipend (if required): $25
Travel expense allowance for pick-up: $20
Travel expense allowance for drop-off: $20
(Added by Ord. No. 10871 (N.S.), effective 1-4-24)
In the discretion of the Registrar of Voters and subject to the availability of such documents the Registrar of Voters may sell or rent office documents for use in connection with the precincting of signatures on petitions and other matters pertaining to elections with which the office is concerned. The fees for such sales or rentals shall be fixed from time to time by the Board.
(Added by Ord. No. 1372 (N.S.), adopted 2-23-54; amended by Ord. No. 6715 (N.S.), effective 2-17-84; amended by Ord. No. 7997 (N.S.), effective 12-5-91)