The County Assessor is hereby designated as the County officer to perform the duties of the County Surveyor specified in Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 58850) of Division I, Title 6 of the Government Code.
Cross reference(s) -- Powers and duties of officers, boards, and commissions, § 51.
State law reference(s) -- Duties of county surveyors, Gov. Code, § 58850 et seq.
Except for proposals under the jurisdiction of the Local Agency Formation Commission, any proposal for the formation of a new, or change in the boundaries of an existing, district exercising functions that are, or may be, supported by taxes or special assessment taxes levied on property within the district and collected with County taxes, shall be submitted to the County Assessor for review and report in accordance with said Chapter 3. All such proposals shall be filed with the County Assessor for review and report. Copies of such proposals and any reports thereon by the County Assessor shall be transmitted by the County Assessor to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission upon the filing thereof. Upon receipt of a proposal the County Assessor, before issuing his report, may request any County officer to submit his report and recommendations with respect to such proposal and any County officer receiving such request shall comply within a reasonable time.
(Amended by Ord. No. 7547 (N.S.), effective 12-8-88)