Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund
   33.001   Creation of fund
   33.002   Capital improvements defined
Cumulative Building and Equipment Fund
   33.015   Necessity of establishing fund
   33.016   Establishment of fund
   33.017   Effective date of levy
   33.018   Public hearing; notice
   33.019   Use of funds
   33.020   Deposit of funds
   33.021   Approval of State Board of Tax Commissioners
Cumulative Bridge Fund
   33.035   Necessity of establishing fund
   33.036   Establishment of fund
   33.037   Effective date of levy
   33.038   Public hearing; notice
   33.039   Approval of State Board of Tax Commissioners
   33.040   Use of funds
Junk Vehicle Fund
   33.055   Establishment of fund
Cemetery Fund
   33.065   Establishment of fund
   33.066   Disbursements
Sewage Treatment, Storm Sewer and Disposal Plant Fund
   33.085   Necessity of establishing fund
   33.086   Establishment of fund
   33.087   Effective date of levy
   33.088   Public hearing; notice
   33.089   Approval of state’s Board of Tax Commissioners
   33.090   Deposit of funds
Police Pension Fund
   33.105   Establishment of fund
Firemen’s Pension Fund
   33.115   Establishment of fund
   33.116   Powers of Board of Trustees
   33.117   Adoption of statute
   33.118   Intent and purpose
Special Parking Fund
   33.135   Establishment of fund
   33.136   Disbursements
Communication Center Fund
   33.155   Establishment of fund
Emergency Medical Services Fund
   33.165   Establishment of fund
   33.166   Authority
   33.167   Appropriation of funds
Promotional Fund
   33.185   Establishment of fund
   33.186   Authorized expenditures
   33.187   Approved by Mayor prior to disbursement of funds
Probation User’s Fee Fund
   33.225   Establishment of fund
   33.226   User’s fee to be collected from defendants on reporting probation
   33.227   Maximum rate of levy
   33.228   Maximum payments for persons placed on probation for more than 1 offense
   33.229   Funds collected by Clerk
   33.230   Deposit of funds
   33.231   Use of funds
   33.232   Approval of state’s Board of Tax Commissioners
Cumulative Sewer Fund
   33.245   Necessity of establishing fund
   33.246   Establishment of fund
   33.247   Effective date of levy
   33.248   Public hearing; notice
   33.249   Approval of state’s Board of Tax Commissioners
   33.250   Deposit of funds
   33.251   Fund use confined to city limits
Enterprise Zone Allocation Fund
   33.265   Establishment of fund
   33.266   Deposit of funds
   33.267   Use of funds
Cumulative Capital Development Fund
   33.275   Reestablishment of fund; duration
   33.276   Collection of funds
   33.277   Use of funds
Curb and Gutter Construction Fund
   33.295   Establishment of fund
   33.296   Petition required
   33.297   Cost of construction or replacement
   33.298   Method of payment; interest rate
Emergency Medical Services Discretionary Fund and Law Enforcement Discretionary Fund
   33.315   Establishment of funds
   33.316   Collection of funds
   33.317   Deposit of funds
   33.318   Emergency medical services restitution fee
   33.319   Inability to pay
Cumulative Firefighting Building and Equipment and Police Radio Fund
   33.335   Establishment of fund
   33.336   Collection of funds
   33.337   Use of funds
Noise Ordinance Special Fund
   33.355   Establishment of fund
   33.356   Deposit of funds
   33.357   Use of funds
Horizon Fund
   33.375   Creation of fund
   33.376   Purposes of fund
   33.377   Loan terms
   33.378   Application and approval process
   33.379   Non-reverting fund
   33.380   Initial funding
Rainy Day Fund
   33.395   Creation of fund
   33.396   Purposes of fund
   33.397   Transfers to fund
   33.398   Appropriations from fund
   33.399   Non-reverting fund
Payment For Claims
   33.415   Claims submitted prior to Board allowance
   33.416   Additional claims
   33.417   Support for payments
Tax Abatement Development Fund
   33.435   Establishment
   33.436   Purpose
Oak Hills Concessions Fund
   33.445   Establishment
   33.446   Purpose
Wheel Tax Fund
   33.455   Establishment
   33.456   Deposit of funds
Riverboat Fund
   33.465   Establishment
Electronic Fund Transactions
   33.475   City Controller to make transactions
Off-Street Parking Enforcement Fund
   33.485   Establishment
   33.486   Deposit of funds
   33.487   Use of funds
Cash Change Funds and Petty Cash Funds
   33.495   Cash change funds
   33.496   Petty cash funds
   33.497   Custodian of petty cash funds
Local Major Moves Construction Fund
   33.500   Establishment of fund
   33.501   Expenditures from the fund
   33.502   Regulation on use and investment of monies in the fund
   33.503   Expenditure Review Committee
   33.504   Road maintenance programs
   33.505   Target growth rates
   33.506   Documentation
Elkhart Capital Outlay Fund
   33.510   Establishment
   Urban Wood Fund, see § 98.10