There is created a special fund within the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city into which shall be deposited all license fees and revenues collected from parking meters, gates and other similar devices used to regulate the parking of vehicles upon or off any of the streets or highways within the corporate limits of the city.
(1979 Code, § 33.65) (Ord. 2859, passed 6-7-1976)
Disbursements from the special fund shall be made only upon specific appropriation by the Council of the city and under order of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city for no other purposes than:
(A) Payment of the purchase price, rental fees and cost of installation of the mechanical parking devices;
(B) Payment of the cost of maintenance, operation, repair, and all other incidental costs and expenses in the operation of the mechanical parking devices, including the cost of clerk and bookkeeping;
(C) Payment of the cost of traffic signal devices used in the city and also repair and maintenance of any of the public streets, including curbs and sidewalks, and highways where the mechanical parking devices are in use, and all streets connected therewith in the city;
(D) Acquiring by lease or purchase suitable land for off-street parking facilities; payment of principal and interest on bonds issued to acquire parking facilities and devices; improvement and maintenance of land for parking purposes; purchase, installation, and maintenance of mechanical parking devices on the land; provided the city may either operate or lease the off-street parking facilities; and
(E) Payment of the costs of purchase, maintenance, operation, repair and all other incidental costs of providing approved school crossing protective facilities.
(1979 Code, § 33.66) (Ord. 2859, passed 6-7-1976)