§ 33.337 USE OF FUNDS.
   (A)   The funds accumulated in the city’s Cumulative Firefighting Building and Equipment and Police Radio Fund will be used for the following purposes:
      (1)   The purchase, construction, renovation, or addition to buildings, or the purchase of land, used by the Fire Department;
      (2)   The purchase of firefighting equipment, including making the required payments under a lease rental with option to purchase agreement made to acquire such equipment, for the use of the Fire Department;
      (3)   The purchase of police radio equipment; or
      (4)   The purchase, construction, renovation, or addition to a building, purchase of land, or the purchase of equipment for the use of a provider of emergency medical services under I.C. 16-31-5 to the city.
   (B)   (1)   Notwithstanding division (A) above, funds accumulated in the city’s Cumulative Firefighting Building and Equipment and Police Radio Fund may be spent for purposes other than the purposes stated in division (A) above, if the purpose is to protect the public health, welfare or safety in an emergency situation which demands immediate action.
      (2)   Money may be spent under the authority of this division only after the Mayor issues a declaration that the public health, welfare or safety is in immediate danger that requires the expenditure of money in the fund.
(1979 Code, § 33.172) (Ord. 4318, passed 10-7-1997; Am. Ord. 4975, passed 6-19-2006 )