General Provisions
   38.001   Policy statement; purpose
   38.002   Definitions
   38.003   Nepotism
Selection and Hiring
   38.015   Responsibility for selection and hiring of employees; county as an equal opportunity employer
   38.016   Authorization of positions
   38.017   Filling of vacated positions
   38.018   Retention of county-funded positions
   38.019   Retention of positions funded other than by county
   38.020   Physical examination for new hire employees; examination form
   38.021   Policy statement concerning health protection
Conditions of Employment
   38.035   Hours of work
   38.036   Pay periods
   38.037   Holidays
   38.038   Probationary employment period
   38.039   Temporary and permanent disability
   38.040   Paid leave time
   38.041   Line and staff relations
   38.042   Reporting leaves required of department heads; Executive Administrative Assistant
   38.043   Eye protection
   38.044   County-owned vehicles
   38.045   Identification cards
   38.046   Social media policy
   38.060   Vacation allowance per department
   38.061   Computation of vacation
   38.062   Payment of accrued vacation upon termination of employment
   38.063   Unused vacation
   38.064   Non-accrual of vacation
Leaves of Absence
   38.075   Sick leave
   38.076   Maternity leave
   38.077   Military leave
   38.078   Miscellaneous leave
   38.079   Family and medical leave
   38.080   Domestic and sexual violence leave
Employee Personnel Records
   38.095   Maintenance of individual personnel records
   38.096   Confidentiality of files
   38.097   Type of records
Position Classification System
   38.110   Purpose
   38.111   Maintenance of classification system; salary scale
   38.112   Position reclassification
   38.113   New positions
Wage and Salary Administration
   38.125   Compensation policy
   38.126   Entrance level salaries
   38.127   Performance salary increases
   38.128   Salary adjustments
   38.129   Temporary employment
   38.130   Acting status
   38.131   Compensatory time
   38.132   Overtime pay
   38.133   Transfers and promotions
Code of Ethics; Standards of Conduct
   38.145   Conflict of interest
   38.146   Misuse of funds or materials
   38.147   Misrepresentation
   38.148   Bribery
   38.149   Standards of conduct
Disciplinary Actions
   38.160   Conduct subject to disciplinary action
   38.161   Types of disciplinary actions
   38.175   Termination of employment
   38.190   Group insurance
   38.191   Retirement
   38.192   Arbitration
Grievance Procedures
   38.205   Grievance policy
   38.206   Bargaining unit employees
   38.207   Non-bargaining unit employees
   38.220   Reporting of accidents
Building Closing Policy
   38.235   Persons authorized to recommend closing of county buildings
   38.236   Conditions for closing of county buildings
   38.237   Notification of closing
   38.238   Payment of employees during closure
   38.239   Re-opening of county buildings
   38.250   Purpose of evaluations
   38.251   Guidelines for evaluations
   38.252   Support staffing for evaluations
Employee Travel Policy
   38.265   General travel policy
   38.266   Authorization for travel
   38.267   Transportation
   38.268   Routing of travel
   38.269   Expenses related to transportation
   38.270   Lodging
   38.271   Meal allowance
   38.272   Reimbursable expenses
   38.273   Non-reimbursable expenses
Activation of Emergency Sirens
   38.285   Duty of Sheriff’s Department to activate system
   38.286   When system will be activated
   38.287   EMA office to be manned and operational when system activated
   38.288   Notification to local radio stations
   38.289   False alarms
Use of Communications Systems
   38.300   Statement of policy
   38.301   Passwords
   38.302   Privacy and monitoring
   38.303   Discipline
   38.304   Department head or elected official responsibility
   38.305   Virus/problem reporting
Educational Expenses
   38.320   Payment by county for classes and seminars
   38.321   Reimbursable expenses for non-certified employees
Anti-Harassment Policy
   38.335   Statement of policy
   38.336   Procedures
Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy
   38.345   Statement of policy
   38.346   Responsibilities
   38.347   Applicable procedures
   38.348   Non-retaliation
   38.349   Discipline, fines and penalties
   38.350   False reports prohibited
   38.351   Additional resources
Identity Protection Policy
   38.365   Prohibited conduct
   38.366   Exceptions
   38.367   Freedom of Information Act and other requests for information
   38.368   Training
   38.369   Conflict
Nursing Mother Policy
   38.380   Nursing mother policy
Multi-Factor Authentication Policy and Procedures
   38.385   Purpose
   38.386   Policy
   38.387   Procedure/processes
   38.388   Use
   Appendix A: Forms
   (A)   The County Board and the Labor/Policy Committee have researched all previous County Board policies pertaining to personnel. The County Board has collected individual personnel policy statements from elected officials and department heads to develop a county personnel policy manual for all county employees. It is the County Board’s responsibility to establish a personnel policy for all county employees, while being accountable to the taxpayers of the county for the most effective and efficient operation of county government. The provisions of these policies should be considered to be advisory only as to elected department heads.
   (B)   The policies set forth in this chapter are designed to:
      (1)   Foster good working relationships and provide uniform personnel policies, opportunities for advancement and consideration of employees’ needs and desires;
      (2)   Conduct all operations in an ethical and proper manner;
      (3)   Ensure dependable service to and by employees of the county and to the public with which it deals; and
      (4)   All proposed policy changes will be sent to the department head/elected official for review prior to full Board adoption at the following month’s regular meeting.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD. The County Board of DeWitt County, Illinois.
   DEPARTMENT HEAD. An employee of the county who is under contract to the County Board.
   ELECTED DEPARTMENT HEAD. An official who has been elected by the people of the county.
   FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE. A person working the regularly scheduled number of hours is considered a FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE and is eligible for all county benefits. Temporary and per diem employees are not considered FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES.
   PART-TIME EMPLOYEE. A person working less than the department regularly scheduled number of hours for the assigned department is considered a PART-TIME EMPLOYEE and is not eligible for county benefits unless otherwise stated. Department heads may be PART-TIME EMPLOYEES; however, temporary employees are not considered PART-TIME EMPLOYEES.
   TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE. A person employed for a period of less than three months or for a specific task is considered a TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE and is not eligible for county benefits, unless otherwise stated. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES may work the regularly scheduled number of hours for a department (full-time) or less than the regularly scheduled number of hours for a department (part-time). Student interns may be considered TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES and employed up to one year.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
§ 38.003 NEPOTISM.
   Members of the same immediate family whose qualifications rank each of them first for the positions under consideration may be employed, either on a full-time basis, part-time basis or temporary basis, so long as neither family member is immediately responsible for the decision to hire, the supervision, direction, evaluation or salary recommendation of the other.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
   (A)   The county is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry or qualified individuals because of their disabled status.
   (B)   All recruitment, selection and hiring activities are the responsibility of the elected official or department head.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
   All positions must be authorized by the Finance Committee and the job description, classification and salary be approved. All positions will be advertised.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)