   Employees shall have the right to present their grievance without prejudice or fear of retaliation. Employees presenting a grievance may do so without a representative at any level of the grievance.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
   Bargaining unit employees shall consult appropriate articles of written agreements for applicable grievance procedures.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
   This policy shall provide a means for resolving complaints against the employee which involve the interpretation or application of policies.
   (A)   Step 1. A bona fide effort should be made to resolve a grievance informally. An employee shall submit a grievance orally within ten work days of the first event to the department head. The department head shall respond orally within five work days after its submission. If the grievance is not resolved orally, it shall be submitted in writing within five work days following receipt of the oral response from the department head. The written grievance shall state the relevant facts and cite the provision or provisions allegedly violated, along with the specific relief requested. The department head shall give his or her written answer within ten work days after receipt of written grievance. If the grievance is against the office holder, it shall be submitted to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall address the grievance within five working days after it is received.
   (B)   Step 2. If the grievance is not settled at Step 1 and the grievant wishes to appeal the grievance to Step 2, it shall be referred in writing to the Finance Committee within five work days after receipt of the written answer at Step 1 and shall be signed by the grievant. The Finance Committee shall give a written answer within ten work days after submission of the grievance at Step 2.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)