(A) The cost of business related special expenses, if reasonable, shall be reimbursed with proper receipts.
(B) Examples are:
(1) Hire of room, exhibit space and setup for official business;
(2) Laundry and dry cleaning if on travel status for at least seven consecutive days;
(3) Storage and handling of baggage;
(4) Taxis, including reasonable tips not to exceed 15% of the total bill;
(5) Telephone calls on official business including calls of three minutes or less to announce safe arrival or delay/change in plans; and
(6) Telephone calls to secure lodging.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) The cost of certain business related expenses are not allowable.
(B) Examples are:
(1) Alcoholic beverages;
(2) Coat check;
(3) Entertainment;
(4) Late check-in and room guarantee charges;
(5) Meals for other county employees or officers;
(6) Parking tickets or other traffic tickets; and
(7) Tips incurred beyond the accepted rate (15% of total bill).
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
Activation of the system will begin upon receiving notification of an emergency by:
(A) Sheriff’s Deputies;
(B) EMA Coordinator;
(C) Weather spotters;
(D) Official law enforcement agency located within the county;
(E) Information from National Weather Service;
(F) Information from residents of the county willing to provide their names, addresses and phone numbers; and
(G) State police.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
In the event of the sirens being activated, the EMA office should be manned and operational. In those instances when the EMA office is not able to be manned and operational by EMA personnel, the Sheriff’s Department will provide backup.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)