(A) All full-time employees, after 90 days of service, may take up to 40 hours of paid leave time for any reason during the county's fiscal year (December 1 through November 30) after receiving approval from their supervisor. Time must be taken in no less than one hour increments. This benefit is not cumulative. Employees will be paid for unused time upon resignation provided a two-week notice is given and not terminated.
(B) All part-time employees, after 90 days of service, will earn one hour of paid leave time for every 40 hours of time worked. Paid leave time may be used for any reason during the county's fiscal year (December 1 through November 30). This benefit can carry over year to year with a maximum leave of 40 hours in the county's fiscal year. Time must be taken in no less than one hour increments. Any unused earned time will be paid upon resignation.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011; Res. 23-14, passed 11-28-2023; Res. 24-7, passed 8-22-2024)
(A) Decisions affecting a given area should be made by the administrator in charge of the area.
(B) All personnel should refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrator in charge of the area.
(C) All personnel may have the right to appeal an administrative decision to a higher authority.
(D) Whenever possible, each employee should be made responsible to only one immediate supervisor. If this is not possible, the employee is to understand who he or she is responsible to for what functions.
(E) Staff personnel should always work through their administrator in carrying out their assigned functions.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
Department heads shall submit reports to the Executive Administrative Assistant of the County Board for vacation requests, sick leave and personal days. The Executive Administrative Assistant shall report requests for vacation requests, sick leave and personal days to the County Board Chairperson.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) (1) All maintenance and highway personnel will be required to wear safety glasses with side shields at all times during the working day. Custodian personnel will be required to wear safety glasses with side shields when working directly with cleaning chemicals. Each employee shall report to work with their safety glasses.
(2) Employees reporting to work without their safety glasses will not be allowed to work and will be docked in pay until they have reported to work with the safety glasses.
(3) If breakage occurs while at work, face shields/goggles will be provided and must be worn until replacement lenses may be obtained.
(B) The county will provide reimbursement for the purchase of safety glasses with side shields not to exceed $55 every 24 months.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) Employees may not drive vehicles for county business without the prior approval of their supervisor. Before approving a driver, the supervisor must check the employee’s driving record, verify the existence of a valid driver’s license and personal auto liability insurance coverage and make certain that the employee is eligible for coverage under any applicable county insurance.
(B) Employees whose jobs require regular driving for business as a condition of employment must be able to meet the driver approval standards of this policy at all times. In addition, employees holding those jobs must inform their supervisors of any changes that may affect their ability to meet the standards of this policy. For example, employees who lose their license must report this to their supervisors. For all other jobs, driving is considered an incidental function of the position.
(C) Employees who need transportation in the course of their normal work may be assigned a county vehicle for their use. All other employees needing transportation for county business may use vehicles assigned to their department or those from another department if available. As a last alternative, when no county vehicles are available, employees may use their own vehicles for business purposes, but only with the prior approval of their supervisor.
(D) Employees who drive a vehicle on county business must, in addition to meeting the approval requirements above, exercise due diligence to drive safely and follow all traffic laws, to avoid distractions while driving (such as using cellular telephones) and to maintain the security of the vehicle and its contents. Drivers also must make sure that the vehicle meets any county or legal standards for insurance, maintenance and safety. Employees are responsible for any driving infractions or fines that result from their driving and must report them to their supervisors.
(E) Employees are not permitted, under any circumstances, to operate a county vehicle or a personal vehicle for county business when any physical or mental impairment causes the employee to be unable to drive safely. This prohibition includes circumstances in which the employee is temporarily unable to operate a vehicle safely or legally because of illness, medication or intoxication.
(F) A mileage usage log shall be kept by all departments who use a county vehicle with copies of the log being submitted to the controlling committee monthly.
(G) Employees driving on county business may claim reimbursement for parking fees and tolls actually incurred. In addition, employees driving county vehicles may claim reimbursement for gasoline and other expenses directly incurred for business purposes.
(H) Employees who use their personal vehicles for approved business purposes will receive a mileage allowance.
(I) Employees must report any accident, theft, damage, breakdown or mechanical problem involving a county vehicle or a personal vehicle used on county business to their supervisor and the County Board’s Executive Administrative Assistant regardless of the extent of damage or lack of injuries. These reports must be made as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after the incident. Employees are expected to cooperate fully with authorities in the event of an accident. However, they should not make any statements other than in reply to questions of investigating officers.
(J) Time spent by nonexempt employees (those covered by the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, being 29 U.S.C. §§ 201 et seq.) in driving a county or personal vehicle on county business during normal hours is considered hours worked for pay purposes. Commuting time before the start and after the end of the work day is not treated as work time for pay purposes.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) All county employees will be issued a photographic identification card (“card”) upon being hired. The badges will be programmed to enter and exit restricted portions of the building as directed by the employee’s supervisor or office holder. Each employee will be notified of the restricted access door(s) that they may use along with the times their cards will be active. This information is not to be disclosed to anyone by the employee.
(B) If the employee’s card is stolen or lost, it must be reported immediately to the Executive Administrative Assistant, to the County Board and, if he or she is unavailable, then to the Chief Deputy of the County Sheriff’s Department. Failure to notify the appropriate personnel immediately when a card is stolen or lost may result in discipline, including termination of employment. If an employee’s card is lost or stolen, it will be replaced once without cost to the employee. Subsequent replacement cards will be provided to the employee for a fee.
(C) Employees issued a card must, when entering or exiting a door controlled by a restricted access card reader, scan their cards to activate the card reader. No employee may enter a restricted area without scanning his or her card. Additionally, no employee may allow access to restricted areas to any person or persons not possessing a card. Failure to activate a card reader as required or permitting unauthorized access to restricted areas may result in discipline, including termination of employment.
(D) An acknowledge form must be signed and returned to the ExecutiveAdministrative Assistant to the County Board for the employee’s card to remain activated.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
SOCIAL MEDIA. Any internet based service, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, MySpace, individually operated website or blog, and any other internet based service used for the dissemination of information be it by written text, pictures, or the posting of documents.
(B) Professional use of social media.
(1) County departments and offices may maintain a social media presence as they see fit, and may designate an employee to maintain such presence.
(2) Prior to representing the county or respective county department or office on any social media an employee must receive permission from the respective department head or elected official.
(3) No employee shall represent or hold themselves out as the representative of the county or an office or department of the county without the express consent of the department head or elected official.
(4) In instances where there is not a clearly designated department head or elected official, the Committee Chairman of the County Board for the respective committee that oversees the operations of the department or office shall be vested with discretion pertaining to the use of social media.
(5) In regards to the County Board of DeWitt County discretion shall be vested with the County Board Chairman.
(6) No personal or private information of any employee or citizen shall be disclosed on social media for any reason, regardless of such information being prohibited or not by any law of the State of Illinois or the United States, unless otherwise authorized by the Freedom of Information Act and such information is posted as an alternative to individual citizens having to request such information through formal requests.
(7) Postings made on behalf of a department or office shall only pertain to the operations of that individual's department or office, and shall not opine or comment on the operation of any other department or office.
(8) No postings shall be made that are obscene, contain nudity, threaten or harass any individual be they another employee or elected official or a citizen not employed by the county.
(9) No individual shall disclose confidential information without the express approval of all individuals made privy to the confidential information. In the case of the County Board a unanimous vote of all members would be required to waive confidentiality.
(C) Private use of social media.
(1) Employees may use social media as they see fit outside of working hours subject to the guidelines below.
(2) Elected officials and department heads may restrict the use of social media during working hours.
(3) Public profiles may be accessed by any individual, including an employer.
(4) Information and postings on private profiles may be accessed at any time by anyone that has been previously granted access.
(5) Employees are encouraged not to air disputes concerning other employees, as social media may be used as evidence against employees at future proceedings regardless of where and when the posting was done.
(6) Employees do not have the expectation of privacy while accessing social media on county equipment and devices.
(7) Postings made outside of working hours may still violate county policies pertaining to harassment and discrimination, and may still subject an employee to discipline or termination.
(8) Information the employee, department head, or elected official has should not be disseminated through a private social media account. All Freedom of Information Act responses should be handled through the designated Freedom of Information Act Officer.
(9) Employees are not prohibited from organizing or discussing amongst themselves issues pertaining to their employment using social media, but any such communications may be used against an employee should they be found to violate the handling of confidential information, or be used to harass or discriminate.
(Res. 2017-08, passed 7-20-2017)