(A)   It is the policy of the County Board to have a procedure for arbitration in the event no satisfactory solution may otherwise be reached.
   (B)   (1)   If, within 14 days, the involved parties cannot mutually agree on the selection of an arbitrator, a list of seven arbitrators may be obtained from the State Labor Relations Board. The involved parties may then alternately dismiss the names of three arbitrators until one name remains.
      (2)   This person shall then preside as arbitrator.
   (C)   A jointly constructed letter notifying the arbitrator of his or her selection, date, time and place for the hearing should be sent. All hearings should be held in the county unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon.
   (D)   Each party involved is responsible for expenses necessary to present their case. Each party shares equally the cost of the arbitrator.
   (E)   The decision of the arbitrator is binding.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)