(A)   The word YEAR, when used in these criteria, shall mean a year of employment beginning and ending on the anniversary of employment. Vacation is earned on the anniversary date of hire.
   (B)   Each employee shall be entitled to the number of paid working days of vacation as follows:
      (1)   Beginning year two; three days;
      (2)   Beginning the third year through the seventh year: eight days;
      (3)   Beginning the eighth year through the seventeenth year: 13 days;
      (4)   Beginning the eighteenth year through the twenty-fourth year: 18 days; and
      (5)   Beginning the twenty-fifth year and thereafter: 23 days.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011; Res. 2017-15, passed 11-16-2017; Res. 23-14, passed 11-28-2023)