(A) Conditions requiring closing will dictate the persons involved in the decision to close the county buildings.
(B) The following will be the only persons with separate or collective authority to recommend a closing to the County Sheriff:
(1) Chairperson of the County Board;
(2) Chairperson of the County Property Committee;
(3) County Sheriff;
(4) Resident Circuit Judge (emergency only); and
(5) EMA Coordinator.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) The closing of the county buildings should occur when it is improper or dangerous for employees or the public to occupy the building.
(B) These conditions include, but are not limited to:
(1) Failure of the environmental system (heat, air conditioning, water);
(2) Notification of a possible act of violence (bomb threat); and
(3) Weather related emergencies (snow, tornado and the like).
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) The county building employees, elected officials and the public must be notified in the event of a building closure.
(B) When the decision is made in advance to allow notification on the day prior to the closing, the following should be adhered to.
(1) All elected officials and department heads will be notified who are in turn responsible for notifying their own employees.
(2) The responsible person making the decision (see § 38.235), is responsible for notification of local media and law enforcement of the times, possible duration and reasons for the closure.
(3) When closure is required, and the time frame does not allow for prior notification, the elected officials and department heads will be notified upon arrival for business day. The elected officials and department heads will assume responsibility for notification of their employees.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
The return to complete or partial operation of the county buildings will be the decision of the responsible person, as set forth in § 38.235. Notification will be made to the media and the affected office holders and/or department heads.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)