§ 38.388 USE.
   (A)   Users with a DeWitt County-issued cell phone or receive a cell phone stipend, or users who use their personal cell phone, may utilize the Duo Mobile application for 2FA.
      (1)   Once the user has logged in to their computer or laptop using their county credentials, they will receive a notification from the Duo Mobile application.
      (2)   The user will either approve or deny the login attempt based on validity of the login attempt.
      (3)   If approved, the system will continue the login procedure.
   (B)   Users without a DeWitt County-issued cell phone or a cell phone stipend, or users who use their personal cell phone, may utilize a registered hardware token (dongle).
      (1)   The user will place the dongle into their USB port before they login.
      (2)   Once the user has logged in to their computer or laptop using their DeWitt County credentials, an OTP screen will appear.
      (3)   The user should place their cursor in the password box and press down on the dongle while it is plugged in.
      (4)   A system-generated password will appear, and the user can then approve the login.
(Res. 23-16, passed 12-21-2023)