Department heads and elected officials are to ensure employees of their offices or departments read, understand, and sign a recognition form recognizing that they are responsible for abiding by the policies and procedures outlined in this policy.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) The county will pay the expenses for certified officers of the Supervisor of Assessments personnel while attending classes/seminars. Upon receipt of the educational stipend from the State Department of Revenue, full reimbursement of expenses must be made to the county’s General Fund. Reimbursable expenses include:
(1) Mileage at the published mileage rate for the county;
(2) Lodging if within the limits of the existing travel policy;
(3) Meals associated directly with the attendance of the course; and
(4) Registration and/or books.
(B) Regular wages will continue to be paid for classes/seminars attended during the regular working
(C) No wages will be paid for classes/seminars attended outside of regular working hours.
(D) Upon prior discretionary approval by the employer, employees may be eligible for reimbursement of all tuition and fees for approved programs and/or courses which are successfully completed at an institution of higher learning when the programs and/or courses are related to and beneficial in the performance of their employment duties. However, the employer shall deduct and be entitled to reimbursement from any employee, for any and all costs paid to the employee, upon his or her resignation of employment, pursuant to the following schedule: 100% reimbursement if resigning within one year of completing the program and/or courses; 50% reimbursement if resigning within two years; and 25% reimbursement if resigning within three years. The employer is authorized herein to withhold any amounts appropriate pursuant to this section from the employee’s final paycheck.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)
(A) It is the policy of the county government to provide to all officials and employees a productive work environment free of harassment based upon gender, ethnicity, race, religious affiliation, age and physical and mental disability, as well as sexual harassment. It is the right of all employees to work in an environment free from harassment, and the responsibility of all employees to refrain from harassment. The county prohibits sexual harassment and harassment based upon gender, ethnicity, race, religious affiliation and physical and mental disability of and by its employees. Harassment is inappropriate, offensive and, in specific cases, may be illegal and will not be tolerated by the county.
(B) HARASSMENT refers to physical or verbal actions that have the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a person’s work performance; and which create a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment. The actions, intentional or not, can annoy or disturb members of one sex, ethnicity, race, religion, age and disability. Examples include, but are not limited to:
(1) Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or physical conduct of a sexual nature;
(2) Any sexual, ethnic, racial, gender or religious related jokes, comments, insults, cartoons, innuendoes or personal conduct or mannerisms that could be construed as offensive, intimidating or hostile as measured from the point of view of a reasonable person of the same gender, ethnicity, race, religion, age or physical and mental capability;
(3) Demeaning, insulting, intimidating or sexually suggestive comments about an individual;
(4) Repeated unwanted, unwarranted or unsolicited off-duty telephone calls, contact or conduct which violates this policy;
(5) Transferring, promoting, demoting or dismissing employees who receive sexual advances, (i.e., submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions); and
(6) Displaying/circulating or permitting the display/circulation of pictures, drawings, graffiti, written materials, photographs, other objects, recorded or electronically transmitted messages that could be considered demeaning, insulting, intimidating or sexually suggestive.
(C) (1) The county directs all employees and supervisory personnel within the county to ensure that their workplaces are free of harassment.
(2) Department heads and supervisory personnel shall be responsible for supporting training on sexual, ethnic, racial, religious, age and disability-related harassment prevention and this harassment policy. Department heads and supervisory personnel shall post and distribute this policy, encourage employees to report harassment incidents and assure employees they do not have to endure a hostile or negative work environment.
(Ord. passed 11-28-2011)