Whenever the load upon any vehicle extends to the rear four feet (4') or more beyond the bed or body of such vehicle, there shall be displayed at the extreme rear end of the load, at the times specified in section 6-1-384 of this chapter, a red light or lantern plainly visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet (500') to the sides and rear. The red light or lantern required under this section shall be in addition to the red rear light required upon every vehicle. At any other time, there shall be displayed at the extreme rear end of such load a red flag or cloth not less than sixteen inches (16") square. (2008 Code § 17-394)
A. Requirement: Every bicycle shall be equipped with a lamp on the front exhibiting a white light, at the times specified in section 6-1-384 of this chapter visible from a distance of at least three hundred feet (300') to the front and with a lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible from a distance of three hundred feet (300') to the rear; except that a red reflector meeting the requirements of Iowa Code chapter 321 may be used in lieu of a rear light.
B. Exception: A peace officer riding a police bicycle is not required to use either front or rear lamps if duty so requires. (2008 Code § 17-397)
All vehicles, including animal drawn vehicles and including those referred to in Iowa Code section 321.383 not hereinbefore specifically required to be equipped with lamps, shall at the times specified in section 6-1-384 of this chapter be equipped with at least one lighted lamp or lantern exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of five hundred feet (500') to the front of such vehicle and, except for animal drawn vehicles, with a lamp or lantern exhibiting a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet (500') to the rear. Animal drawn vehicles shall be equipped with a flashing amber light visible from a distance of five hundred feet (500') to the rear of the vehicle during the time specified in section 6-1-384 of this chapter. (2008 Code § 17-398)
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed one spot lamp and every lighted spot lamp shall be so aimed and used upon approaching another vehicle that no part of the high intensity portion of the beam will be directed to the left of the prolongation of the extreme left side of the vehicle nor more than one hundred feet (100') ahead of the vehicle. (2008 Code § 17-402)
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed three (3) auxiliary driving lamps mounted on the front at a height not less than twelve inches (12") nor more than forty two inches (42") above the level surface upon which the vehicle stands, and every such auxiliary driving lamp or lamps shall meet the requirements and limitations set forth in this chapter. (2008 Code § 17-403)
Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a signal lamp or signal device which is so constructed and located on the vehicle as to give a signal of intention to stop, which shall be red or yellow in color, which signal shall be plainly visible and understandable in normal sunlight and at night from a distance of one hundred feet (100') to the rear but shall not project a glaring or dazzling light. (2008 Code § 17-404)