General Provisions
96.001 Director of Health
96.002 Diphtheria, whooping cough and lockjaw
96.003 Smallpox vaccination
96.004 Tuberculin tests
96.005 Disinfection of premises
96.006 Inspection of property prior to sale
96.007 Public pools and spas
96.020 Registration of slaughterers required
96.021 Unapproved meat not to be sold
96.022 Slaughtering of animals; veterinarian to be present
96.023 Conditions for stamping by inspector; unfit meat to be condemned
96.024 Fees
96.025 Permission to be given before slaughtering; exception
96.026 Acceptance of stamped meat from other municipalities
Poultry Slaughtering
96.040 Licensing provisions
96.041 Construction of premises; coops and slaughtering rooms
96.042 Inspections
96.043 Selling or slaughtering on streets
96.044 Applicability of provisions to farmers
Food and Food Products
96.055 Regulations concerning milk
96.056 Unwholesome food
96.057 Misrepresentation
96.058 Street sales
96.059 Storage of food
96.060 Refrigerators and iceboxes
96.061 Pipes for drawing beverages
96.062 Bottled water
96.063 Regulations concerning meat
96.064 Self-contained trucks or vans vending food
96.065 Outdoor food vending units
96.075 Defined
96.076 Permit requirements
96.077 Compliance required
96.078 Inspection; copy of report to be posted
96.079 Construction of kitchens generally
96.080 Refrigerators and iceboxes
96.081 Fly and vermin protection
96.082 Storage containers
96.083 Sanitary conditions of premises
96.084 Garbage cans
96.085 Prohibited utensils
96.086 Cleaning facilities
96.087 Employee's clothes to be clean
96.088 Toilet facilities
96.089 Towels
96.090 Common drinking cup prohibited
96.091 Spitting
96.092 Persons with communicable disease
Supermarkets and Grocery Stores
96.105 Defined
96.106 Permit required; display; fee
96.107 Compliance required
96.108 Inspections
96.120 Nuisances
96.120-999 Fouling of public places by dogs prohibited
96.121 Abatement
96.122 Throwing garbage in street; spilled garbage to be cleaned up
96.123 Water running across sidewalk prohibited
96.124 Polluting stream or well
96.125 Permit required for cattle, sheep, swine and the like
96.126 Manure removal; receptacle required
96.127 Leaky gas pipes
96.128 Septic tanks
High Grass and Weeds
96.140 Purpose
96.141 Scope of provisions
96.142 Definitions
96.143 Grass, weeds, or vegetation constituting public nuisance
96.144 Minimum standards
96.145 Responsibility for compliance
96.146 Notice of violations
96.147 Appeals
96.148 Penalties and enforcement
Smoke Free Zones
96.160 Purpose
96.161 Location of smoke free zone
96.162 Definitions
96.163 Smoking constituting a public nuisance
96.164 Minimum standards
96.165 Penalties and enforcement
96.166 Appeals
96.999 Penalty
Charter reference:
Board of Commissioners of Public Health, see Charter § 6C-2