(A)   Penalties.
      (1)   Each violation of this chapter shall be considered a separate offense.
      (2)   Each day any violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
      (3)   Each separate offense under this chapter shall be punishable by a fine as set forth in the schedule of fees, charges, penalties and rewards attached to the annual budget of the city, pursuant to § 41.11 of this code.
   (B)   Enforcement.
      (1)   The Mayor, his designee, or any police officer in the City of Waterbury, after notice has been delivered pursuant to § 96.146, is authorized to issue a citation or summons, for a violation of this chapter provided that:
         (a)   In cases where the notice is not appealed to the Board of Commissioners of Public Health, said citation or summons shall not be issued until ten days after the delivery of the notice pursuant to § 96.146; or
         (b)   In cases where the notice is appealed to the Board of Commissioners of Public Health, said citation or summons shall not be issued if the Board of Commissioners of Public Health rescinds the notice and, in cases of appeal where the notice is not rescinded, said citation or summons shall not be issued until seven days after the decision of the Board of Commissioners of Public Health or until any such later date that has been established by the Board of Commissioners of Public Health as the first day of violation pursuant to § 96.147 above.
      (2)   In addition thereto, the Mayor or his designee is authorized to initiate legal proceedings in the Superior Court to enforce any notice, summons or citation issued pursuant to this chapter or to seek the immediate correction of the violation(s), collection of any penalties, and the recovery of all costs including costs of remedial action(s) authorized by the court and a reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the City of Waterbury to enforce this subchapter.
      (3)   All fines, court costs, costs of remedial action, and attorney's fees as ordered by the court shall constitute a lien on the subject premises, provided the owner of said premises has been notified of the violations as herein provided and was made a party to the enforcement proceedings, and any amounts for said fines, court costs, costs of remedial action, and attorney's fees as may be collected shall be paid into the city's general fund.
(Ord. passed 6-8-2009; Ord. passed 8-19-2013)