(A) No person shall vend milk in the city without a license issued by the Department of Public Health. The annual fee for such license shall be as set forth in the schedule of fees, charges, penalties and rewards attached to the annual budget of the city, pursuant to § 41.11 of this code. All licenses shall expire on January 1 each year. The licensee’s name, place of business and license number shall be placed on each outer side of all vehicles used in the conveyance and sale of milk. Letters and figures shall be not less than two inches in height. All changes of residence and of drivers shall be immediately reported to the Food and Milk Inspector.
(1967 Code, Appendix A, § 4) (Ord. passed 8-19-2013)
(B) All milk or milk products sold or offered for sale in the city shall be either properly pasteurized or produced by herds under supervision of the state or federal government for the eradication of both tuberculosis and Bang's disease. Owners of the herds shall also file at the office of the Health Department each six months a copy of a physical examination chart signed by a licensed veterinarian. Failure to comply with this section shall result in revocation of the license to vend milk or milk products.
(1967 Code, Appendix A, § 5)
(C) The Commissioners of Public Health or any persons in their employ shall have the right to visit at any time the premises of any party supplying milk or its products to be brought to or sold in the city for the purpose of inspecting the cows, stable, milkhouses, food and water supply, and to take samples of milk at any time at the farm, daily or on the route in order to see that the provisions of this section are observed.
(1967 Code, Appendix A, § 6)
Penalty, see § 96.999
Statutory reference:
Authority of city to enact regulations pertaining to the sale of milk, see Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22-167
Milk and milk products, see Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 22-127 et seq.