For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOUNDARY LINES. References herein to the boundary lines of Baldwin Street, Union Street, Scovill Street, Cole Street and South Elm Street are intended to refer to the boundaries of the rights-of-way over which those streets pass including any portions thereof that are unpaved or unimproved as of the date of adoption hereof and including any sidewalks adjacent to said streets that are located within said rights-of-way.
PERSON. Any individual, corporation or other legal entity capable of owning real property.
PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. The term public right-of-way, as used herein, shall refer to the entirety of any portion of land used, or dedicated to use whether or not actually used, as an area over which the general public has a common right to travel, whether by vehicle or on foot.
PUBLIC SIDEWALK. The term public sidewalk, as used herein, shall refer to any portion of a public right-of-way that has been improved for, or is otherwise commonly used for, the purpose of providing an area over which the general public travels on foot.
PUBLIC STREET. The term public street, as used herein, shall refer to any portion of a public right-of-way that has been improved for, or is otherwise commonly used for, the purpose of providing an area over which the general public travels by vehicle.
SMOKE or SMOKING. The lighting or carrying of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or similar device, or other product containing tobacco if that product is one that is intended to be, or is commonly, lit or ignited.
(Ord. passed 8-24-2009)