(A) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is otherwise provided shall be punished by a fine as set forth in the schedule of fees, charges, penalties and rewards attached to the annual budget of the city, pursuant to § 41.11 of this code. Each day any violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(1967 Code, § 1-8)
(B) Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of §§ 96.075 through 96.092 of this chapter or hinders, impedes, delays, obstructs, any such inspection, or alters, changes, defaces, moves or destroys, the posted copy of the inspection, without written authority from the Director of Health, shall be fined as set forth for each such offense in the schedule of fees, charges, penalties and rewards attached to the annual budget of the city, pursuant to § 41.11 of this code.
(1967 Code, Appendix A, § 44)
(C) Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of §§ 96.120 through 96.128 of this chapter or with any order of the Board of Health made thereunder, shall be fined as set forth in the schedule of fees, charges, penalties and rewards attached to the annual budget of the city, pursuant to § 41.11 of this code; provided, however, that, if a penalty is prescribed by any general statute of the state for any of the offenses described in any of the foregoing sections, the statutory penalty shall be inflicted for the offenses instead of the penalty herein prescribed.
(1967 Code, Appendix A, § 68)
(Ord. passed 8-19-2013)