General Provisions
   6-2-1   Office and employment; eligibility; general
   6-2-2   Same; residence
   6-2-3   Incoming officer and office; qualification; demand; assumption
   6-2-4   Incumbent officer and office; surrender to successor
   6-2-5   Bond; amount; filing; approval; premium
   6-2-6   Term of office; removal
   6-2-7   Classified service; established; exempt service
   6-2-8   Same; classification plan; revision
   6-2-9   Same; discrimination prohibited
   6-2-10   Compensation; how fixed; dual positions
   6-2-11   Fees; property of city
   6-2-12   Officers; employees; duties
   6-2-13   Additional employees; hiring
   6-2-14   Personnel regulations; promulgation; enforcement
   6-2-15   Offices of City Manager and Police Chief; merger
   6-2-16 - 6-2-18   Reserved
Part 1. City Attorney and Deputy(ies)
   6-2-19   City Attorney; established; appointment
   6-2-20   Same; duties; general
   6-2-21   Deputy city attorneys; established; appointments
   6-2-22   Same; duties
   6-2-23    – 6-2-26Reserved
Part 2. City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk
   6-2-27   City Clerk; established; office; place
   6-2-28   Same; duties
   6-2-29   Deputy City Clerk; established; appointment
   6-2-30   Same; duties
   6-2-31    – 6-2-33Reserved
Part 3. City Engineer
   6-2-34   City Engineer; established; appointment; duties
Part 4. City Manager and Assistant City Manager
   6-2-35   City Manager; established; appointment; qualifications; residence; or disability
   6-2-36   Bond; amount; filing; approval; premium; payment
   6-2-37   City Manager; powers; duties; general
   6-2-38   Same; power to investigate
   6-2-39   Same; custody and care of property
   6-2-40   Assistant City Manager; established; appointment; residence; duties
   6-2-41   Same; bond; amount; filing; approval; premium
   6-2-42 – 6-2-43   Reserved
Part 5. City Treasurer
   6-2-44   City Treasurer; established; appointment
   6-2-45   Same; bond; amount; filing; approval; premium
   6-2-46   Same; duties
   6-2-47– 6-2-49   Reserved
Boards and Commissions
Part 1. General Provisions
   6-2-50   Members; appointment; removal
   6-2-51   Same; terms; expiration
   6-2-52   Same; residence; compensation; City Council members not eligible
   6-2-53   Officers; minutes
   6-2-54   Rules of Procedure; quorum
   6-2-55   Assistance by city employees
   6-2-56– 6-2-58   Reserved
Part 2. Board of Adjustment
   6-2-59   Board of Adjustment; established; membership; terms
   6-2-60   Powers and duties
   6-2-61   Records; filing
   6-2-62–6-2-64   Reserved
Part 3. Building and Fire Codes Exceptions Board
   6-2-65   Building and Fire Codes Exceptions Board; established; membership
   6-2-66   Duties; generally
   6-2-67– 6-2-69   Reserved
Part 4. Business Improvement Board
   6-2-70   Business Improvement Board; established; membership; terms
   6-2-71   Duties
   6-2-72   Funds; administration
   6-2-73–6-2-75   Reserved
Part 5. Civil Service Commission
   6-2-76   Civil Service Commission; membership; terms
   6-2-77   Reduction in force; policy; adoption by City Manager
   6-2-78   Additional duties
   6-2-79   Definitions
   6-2-80   Disciplinary action procedures; general
   6-2-81   Minor discipline
   6-2-82   Temporary suspension
   6-2-83   Major discipline
   6-2-84   Accusation
   6-2-85   Demand for investigation
   6-2-86   Response by City Manager to demand for investigation
   6-2-87   Investigation
   6-2-88   Scheduling for hearing
   6-2-89   Hearing
Part 5a. Community Redevelopment Authority
   6-2-90   Community Redevelopment Authority; Creation
   6-2-91   Members
   6-2-92   Officers
   6-2-93   Rules and records
   6-2-94   Director
   6-2-94.1   Funds
   6-2-94.2   Community Development Law
Part 6. Economic Development Application Review Commission
   6-2-95   Economic Development Application Review Commission; established; membership
   6-2-96   Duties; meetings
   6-2-97   Access to information; confidential
Part 7. Economic Development Citizen Advisory Commission
   6-2-98   Economic Development Citizen Advisory Commission; established; membership; terms
   6-2-99   Duties; meetings
   6-2-100   Access to information; confidential
Part 8. Fair Housing Commission
   6-2-101   Fair Housing Commission; established; membership; terms
   6-2-102   Repealed
   6-2-103– 6-2-105   Reserved
Part 9. Library Board
   6-2-106   Library Board; established; membership; terms
   6-2-107   Duties
Part 10. Liquor License Holders Investigatory Board
   6-2-108   Liquor License Holders Investigatory Board; established; membership; terms
   6-2-109   Members
   6-2-110   Duties
Part 11. Park, Cemetery, and Tree Board
   6-2-111   Park, Cemetery, and Tree Board; established; membership; terms
   6-2-112   Duties
   6-2-113– 6-2-115   Reserved
Part 12. Planning Commission
   6-2-116   Planning Commission; established
   6-2-117   Records; Planning and Building Official; final action by Planning Commission
   6-2-118   Recommendation by Planning Commission
   6-2-119   Planning and Building Official; notice of meetings
   6-2-120– 6-2-122   Reserved
Part 13. Plumbers Examining Board
   6-2-123   Plumbers Examining Board; established; membership; terms
   6-2-124   Qualifications of members
   6-2-125   Duties
   6-2-126   Disqualification
Part 14. Scottsbluff City Youth Council
   6-2-127   Scottsbluff City Youth Council; Composition; student representative appointment; City Council advisor appointment
   6-2-128   Term of office; eligibility for appointment; code of conduct; removal
   6-2-129   Construction Alternative Selection Board
Part 1. Finance Department
   6-2-130   Finance Department; established
   6-2-131   Finance Director; office established; duties
   6-2-132– 6-2-134   Reserved
Part 2. Fire Department
   6-2-135   Fire Department; established
   6-2-136   Fire Chief; established
   6-2-137   Same; duties
   6-2-138   Repealed
   6-2-139   Personnel; appointment
   6-2-140   Fire Department; firefighters; employ
   6-2-141   Volunteer fire and rescue personnel; rules; regulations
   6-2-142   Equipment; supply; ownership; possession
   6-2-143   Same; care
   6-2-144– 6-2-146   Reserved
Part 3. Library Department
   6-2-147   Library; established
   6-2-148   Library Director; office established; duties
   6-2-149– 6-2-151   Reserved
Part 4. Department of Parks and Recreation
   6-2-152   Department of Parks and Recreation; established
   6-2-153   Director of Parks and Recreation; office established; appointment; duties
   6-2-154– 6-2-156   Reserved
Part 5. Personnel Department
   6-2-157   Personnel Department; established
   6-2-158   Personnel Director; established; appointment; duties
   6-2-159– 6-2-161   Reserved
Part 6. Development Services Department
   6-2-162   Development Services Department; established; duties
   6-2-163   Development Services Director; office established
   6-2-164   Repealed
   6-2-165   Community Development Division; established
   6-2-166   Same; Community Development Administrator; office; established; appointment
   6-2-167– 6-2-169   Reserved
Part 7. Police Department
   6-2-170   Police Department; established
   6-2-171   Police Chief; office established
   6-2-172   Same; duties; residence
   6-2-173– 6-2-174   Reserved
Part 8. Public Works Department
   6-2-175   Public Works Department; established
   6-2-176   Public Works Director; office established
   6-2-177– 6-2-199   Reserved