Each of the wards of the city shall be divided into two election districts, as follows.
(A) Ward One shall be divided by 27th Street. That portion of Ward One which lies north of 27th Street shall be Election District SC1. That portion which lies south of the 27th Street shall be Election District SC2.
(B) Ward Two shall be divided by East Overland Drive. That portion of Ward Two which lies north of East Overland Drive shall be Election District SC3. That portion which lies south of East Overland Drive shall be Election District SC4.
(C) (1) Ward Three shall be divided by the following line: beginning at the center of the intersection of Broadway Avenue and West Overland Drive; then west on West Overland Drive to the center of its intersection with Avenue I and Schmid Drive, then northwest and west on Schmid Drive to the centerline of Avenue K, then north on Avenue K to the centerline of 20th Street.
(2) That portion of Ward Three which lies north and east of the line shall be Election District SC5. The remaining portion shall be Election District SC6.
(D) Ward Four shall be divided by 27th Street. That portion of Ward Four which lies south of 27th Street shall be Election District SC7. That portion which lies north of 27th Street shall be Election District SC8.
The regular municipal elections of the city, including the election of City Council members, shall be held in even-numbered years. Such election for the year 1974, and all succeeding regular municipal elections, shall be held on the date of the state-wide primary election for the state, and shall be held in accordance with the provisions of Neb. RS Chapter 32, as amended.
(Ord. 1116, passed 2-25-1957; Ord. 1994, passed - -1973)