(a)   A classified employee not represented by a recognized bargaining unit or employed by the Board of Hospital Managers who has accumulated 365 service credits, who has used all available paid leave time, and not drawing sick leave insurance benefits, and who continues to be unable to return to work due to his or her health, may be granted an extended sick leave without pay.
   (b)   Applications for extended sick leave shall be submitted to the Personnel Department and shall be accompanied by a statement from the employee’s personal physician which includes a diagnosis and the expected date of recovery and return to work. The City may require the employee to submit to a medical examination. Upon receipt of such satisfactory information, the employee will be placed on extended sick leave without pay or benefits for a period of not to exceed 13 payroll periods.
   (c)   The City will notify an employee on sick leave, preferably with his or her next to the last insurance check, of the number of sick and annual days available to him or her and that he or she must apply for extended sick leave, as provided herein within ten calendar days of receipt of this notice or prior to the expiration of indicated sick and annual days, whichever is the last to occur. The notification shall inform the employee that failure to apply as provided above will result in his or her being considered as having resigned.
   (d)   An employee with less than 365 service credits who exhausts all available sick leave, annual leave and applicable extended sick leave may, upon application, be granted an extended sick leave without pay or benefits upon recommendation of the appointing authority and authorization by the Personnel Director. The leave will be for 13 payroll periods.
(Ord. 3229, passed 2-22-1993; Ord. 3279, passed 6-13-1994)