Article 1: Purpose
   155.100   Title
   155.101   Authority
   155.102   General applicability, annexation and vested rights
   155.103   Consistency with comprehensive plan
   155.104   Purpose
   155.105   Interpretation
   155.106   Severability
   155.107   Use of property in government capacity
   155.108   Effective date
Article 2: Definitions
   155.200   Purpose
   155.201   Rules of construction
   155.202   Terms not defined
   155.203   Definitions
   155.204   Acronyms
Article 3: Administration
   155.300   Purpose and applicability
   155.301   Development applications
   155.302   Notice requirements
   155.303   Review and decision-making authorities
   155.304   Quasi-judicial proceedings
   155.305   Zoning in progress
   155.306   Application submittal procedures
   155.307   Staff review and action
   155.308   Post decision actions and limitations
   155.309   Application withdrawal process
   155.310   Application refunds
   155.311   Application appeal process
   155.312   Application deferral process
   155.313   Enforcement
Article 4: Zoning Districts
   155.400   General provisions
   155.401   Zoning map
   155.402   District classifications
   155.403   Zoning districts comparative table
Agriculture, Community Facilities and Recreation
   155.410   Agriculture (A)
   155.411   Agriculture Excavation (A-E)
   155.412   Resource Recovery (R-R)
   155.413   Utility (U)
   155.414   Community Facility (CF)
   155.415   Recreation (REC)
Residential Districts
   155.420   Residential Estate (R-E)
   155.421   Residential Single-family (R-1A, R-1B, R-1C)
   155.422   Residential Single-family Zero Lot Line (R-1Z)
   155.423   Residential Mobile Home (R-MH)
   155.424   Residential Two-family (R-2)
   155.425   Residential Townhouse (R-TH)
   155.426   Residential Multi-family (R-MF)
Commercial Districts
   155.430   Neighborhood Business (B-1)
   155.431   Community Business (B-2)
   155.432   General Business (B-3)
   155.433   Commercial (C-1)
   155.434   Professional Office (PO)
Industrial Districts
   155.440   Industrial-Light (I-L)
   155.441   Industrial-Medium (I-M)
   155.442   Industrial-Heavy (I-H)
Planned Districts
   155.450   Development procedures for planned districts
   155.451   Planned unit development (PUD)
   155.452   Planned development small lot (PD-SL)
   155.453   Mixed use development (MXD)
   155.454   Planned commercial development (PCD)
   155.455   Planned industrial development (PID)
   155.456   Hospital District (HD)
Article 5: Use Regulations
   155.500   Overview of use regulations
   155.501   Permitted use table
Specific Use Regulations
   155.509   Child care centers
   155.510   Domesticated livestock and poultry
   155.511   Dry cleaners
   155.512   Electronic nicotine device retail sales
   155.513   Hotels
   155.514   Industrial use separation from residential property
   155.515   Junkyards
   155.516   Medical marijuana dispensing facilities
   155.517   Microbreweries, microwineries, and brewpubs
   155.518   Mobile food dispensing vehicles
   155.519   Outdoor dining
   155.520   Outdoor display and sales
   155.521   Pawn shops
   155.522   Pet hotels, dog daycare
   155.523   Recreational uses
   155.524   Religious institution, house of worship
   155.525   Resource recovery
   155.526   Schools
   155.527   Self-service laundry/laundromat
   155.528   Service stations
   155.529   Sign shop/manufacturing
   155.530   Special residential facilities
   155.531   Storage of rental vehicles
   155.532   Tattoo parlors
   155.533   Telecommunication towers and antennas
   155.534   Seasonal merchandise storage
Nonconforming Uses
   155.535   Scope, application of regulations
   155.536   Existing uses
   155.537   Extension of nonconforming use
    155.538   Change of nonconforming use
   155.539   Discontinuance, abandonment
   155.540   Continuance
   155.541   Change in zoning classification or regulation
   155.542   Unlawful use not authorized
   155.543   Illegal use
   155.544   Nuisances prohibited
   155.550   Limitations of uses
Article 6: Development Standards
   155.600   General provisions
Access, Loading and Parking
   155.601   General - access, loading and parking
   155.602   Access to gated communities for emergency vehicles
   155.603   General - off-street loading and parking
   155.604   Identification of facilities; required surface
   155.605   Minimum off-street parking requirements
   155.606   Parking space dimensions
   155.607   Bicycle parking facility required
   155.608   Short-term parking
   155.609   Non-concurrent parking
   155.610   Off-street loading
   155.611   Drive-thru stacking spaces
   155.612   Valet parking regulations
   155.613   Commercial vehicle parking
   155.614   Electric vehicle parking
   155.615   Recreational vehicles - parking
Accessory Buildings and Structures
   155.620   General - accessory buildings and structures
   155.621   Supplemental regulations for accessory buildings and structures
   155.622   Docks
   155.623   Trash and recycling facilities
   155.624   House trailers
   155.625   Portable storage units
   155.626   Sculptures and statues
   155.627   Nonconforming structures
Bufferyards, Encroachment and Screening
   155.630   General - bufferyards and encroachment
   155.631   Minimum bufferyard requirement - non-residential
   155.632   Bufferyard between residential and non-residential
   155.633   Pines Boulevard Corridor - bufferyard
   155.634   Setback encroachment regulations
   155.635   Encroachment of accessory building and structures within easements
   155.636   Height limitation encroachment specifications
   155.637   Screening of service and mechanical equipment
Development Design Guidelines
   155.640   General - development design guidelines
   155.641   General - commercial outbuildings
   155.642   Commercial outbuilding standards
   155.643   General - commercial outparcels
   155.644   Commercial outparcel standards
   155.645   Guiding principles - regional mall outparcel development
   155.646   Site development standards for regional mall outparcels
   155.647   Use restrictions - regional mall outparcels
   155.648   Architectural compatibility - regional mall outparcels
   155.649   Scope of application - regional mall
   155.650   Multi-family - apartments and condominiums
   155.651   Townhouses
   155.652   Zero lot line homes
   155.653   Open space regulations
Fences, Walls and Hedges
   155.655   Fences, walls, and hedges
   155.656   Purpose - landscaping
   155.657   Landscape plan requirements
   155.658   Landscape plan review and acceptance procedures
   155.659   Issuance of certificate of occupancy or final landscape inspection approval
   155.660   Landscape parameters - general considerations
   155.661   Minimum landscape requirements - all properties
   155.662   Specific minimum landscape requirements
   155.663   Parking islands
   155.664   Plant material design and installation standards
   155.665   Non-living durable landscape material design and installation standards
   155.666   Irrigation standards
Landscaping - Tree Preservation
   155.668   General intent standards and duties - landscaping
   155.669   Maintenance standards - all properties
   155.670   Duties of property owner for general landscape maintenance
   155.671   Tree maintenance companies working in Pembroke Pines
   155.672   Improper tree maintenance
   155.673   Remedial measures for tree abuse by property owners
   155.674   Tree removal or relocation permit
   155.675   Standards for tree removal or relocation permit issuance
   155.676   Conditions for tree removal and relocation permits
   155.677   Canopy tree and palm replacement
   155.678   Relocation of trees
   155.679   Enforcement - landscaping
   155.680   Mitigation plan
   155.681   Landscape Fund
   155.682   Exemptions - landscaping
   155.685   Purpose and intent - lighting
   155.686   General lighting standards
   155.687   Non-residential lighting standards
   155.688   Outdoor dining and retail lighting
   155.689   Lighting of residential common areas
   155.690   Lighting of natural areas, preserves and environmentally sensitive areas
   155.691   Prohibited lighting
   155.692   Exemptions - lighting
   155.695   Purpose - signs
   155.696   General standards - signs
   155.697   Location - signs
   155.698   Sign plans
   155.699   Permanent signs
   155.6100   Permanent signs - supplemental regulations
   155.6101   Temporary signs
   155.6102   Temporary signs - supplemental regulations
   155.6103   Signs on rights-of-way and public property
   155.6104   Nonconforming signs
   155.6105   Exempt signs
   155.6106   Permit and fee required; exemptions - signs
   155.6107   Prohibited signs
   155.6108   Inspection of signs by city; signs in violation
Supplemental Site Development Standards
   155.6110   Supplemental site development standards - general
   155.6111   Elevation of filled land
   155.6112   Excavation
   155.6113   Floor area ratio - non-residential
   155.6114   Relation of grade of floors to crown of street
   155.6115   Residential use in non-residential districts
   155.6116   Sewage disposal
   155.6117   Waterways
   155.6120   Purpose and intent - sustainability
   155.6121   Applicability - sustainability
   155.6122   Site plan submittal requirements - sustainability
   155.6123   Sustainable options