(A)   Any applicant proposing valet parking shall describe the specific storage areas for valet vehicles for each proposed and/or existing use, shall undergo the development review process in accordance with §§ 155.300 through 155.313. All parking for the storage of valet vehicles must be in excess of required parking for the property served by the valet parking. The Planning and Zoning Board shall make a determination on whether or not the location for the storage of vehicles interferes or impedes with the use of the parking lot for the customers, employees or owners of the other businesses in the center.
   (B)   The property owner must provide a valet parking plan to identify the following:
      (1)   An operations plan.
      (2)   Location of parking exclusively reserved for valet use.
      (3)   Valet loading zones.
      (4)   Valet queuing spaces.
(Ord. 2021-02, adopted 3-17-21; sought to be reconsidered, Commission passed 4-21-2021)