(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   This district is intended to provide flexible design regulations and uses for each project to encourage innovative and industrial development and redevelopment without imposing arbitrary requirements.
      (2)   A PID is to be designed and organized to encourage a combination of multiple industrial uses, compatible uses or tenants that compliment each other.
      (3)   The uses within this district shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the industrial land use plan category permitted uses. This zoning district may be applied to land designated industrial on the city's land use plan map.
   (B)   Active planned industrial developments. A list of active PID developments and guidelines shall be maintained in the Planning and Economic Development Department.
   (C)   Standards.
      (1)   A PID is to be designed and organized to encourage a combination of multiple industrial uses, compatible uses or tenants that compliment each other.
      (2)   The uses within this district shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the industrial land use plan category permitted uses. This zoning district may be applied to land designated industrial on the city's land use plan map.
      (3)   Design guidelines shall be required establishing development standards for the proposed development, including illustrations of proposed architectural, urban design, streetscape, and landscape concepts, thematic design elements such as architectural materials, building colors and landscape plans, and any proposed variation from the design standards or guidelines contained in this section.
         (a)   Floor area ratio calculations and ground coverage shall be provided to determine scale, density and impact of the project.
         (b)   A description of the allowable uses.
         (c)   An accessibility plan showing means of ingress and egress to adjacent thoroughfares.
         (d)   Setbacks and buffer yards for the project shall be determined at the time of project review to ensure compatibility with and protection of adjacent uses.
         (e)   A uniform sign plan for the development shall be included in the design guidelines. Signage shall be at a scale and design appropriate to the size and type of project.
         (f)   A consistent architectural theme including, but not limited to, scale, colors, textures and materials shall be required. Streetscape design shall compliment and be consistent with the project's architectural theme.
         (g)   A plan or design for the screening of outdoor uses.
         (h)   A maintenance plan for all common areas including but not limited to, parking, sidewalks, public plazas, building facades and programming shall be required as part of the approval of the project.
      (4)   No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected or used, in whole or in part, in any manner that is obnoxious, objectionable, a nuisance or a hazard to adjoining properties, as it relates to sound, vibrations, odors, glare, radioactive materials, smoke and particular matters.
(Ord. 2021-02, adopted 3-17-21; sought to be reconsidered, Commission passed 4-21-2021)