(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   This district is intended to provide flexible design regulations and uses for each project to encourage innovative development and redevelopment without imposing arbitrary requirements. Commercial projects must have a consistent architectural theme and promote a pedestrian friendly environment.
      (2)   A planned commercial development is to be designed and organized to encourage a combination of multiple commercial uses or tenants that compliment each other. No single tenant shall dominate a planned commercial project. "Big Box Retail" buildings are discouraged unless the mixture of buildings is designed to encourage interaction among the proposed uses.
   (B)   Active planned commercial developments. A list of active PCD developments and guidelines shall be maintained in the Planning and Economic Development Department.
   (C)   Standards.
      (1)   Floor area ratio calculations and ground coverage shall be provided to determine scale, density and impact of the project.
      (2)   The minimum project size shall be ten acres. The project may contain less than ten acres if off-street pedestrian and vehicular access is provided to adjacent uses and the applicant can demonstrate the inter-relationships and benefits of a Planned Commercial Development District of such size.
      (3)   Within the planned commercial project, pedestrian movement and safety shall be given priority. Internal roadways shall be "pedestrian friendly" including the use of pavers, wide sidewalks, narrow vehicular lanes and parallel or angled parking. Major parking areas shall be located to encourage walking and discourage internal vehicle trips among the various buildings and uses.
      (4)   Parking, loading docks, and service areas shall be directly accessible from major roadways and appropriately screened to promote a pedestrian scale and safety.
      (5)   Architectural requirements.
         (a)   A consistent architectural theme including, but not limited to, scale, colors, textures and materials shall be required.
         (b)   Setbacks within the project shall be determined at the time of project review to encourage an urban pedestrian scale.
         (c)   Setbacks to adjacent properties shall be the larger of the existing underlying zoning district or the adjacent district, whichever is larger.
         (d)   Outdoor uses and public places shall be designed to connect various buildings and promote pedestrian activity. Active use of the public spaces is desired to encourage increasing average length of stay within the project area.
         (e)   First floor facades shall be "active" to encourage pedestrian traffic throughout the project area.
         (f)   Signage shall be at a scale and aesthetic design appropriate to the size and type of project.
         (g)   Streetscape design shall compliment and be consistent with the project's architectural theme.
      (6)   A maintenance plan for all common areas including but not limited to, parking, sidewalks, public plazas, building facades and programming shall be required as part of the approval of the project.
(Ord. 2021-02, adopted 3-17-21; sought to be reconsidered, Commission passed 4-21-2021)