(A)   Floor area ratio is the gross floor area of all buildings or structures on a lot divided by the total lot area.
   (B)   The maximum floor area ratio of proposed nonresidential development, including mixed use developments (FAR's are provided for within the proposed mixed use-residential land use category - Section F (Permitted Uses) of the city comprehensive plan, upon lands designated commercial, commercial recreation, office park, industrial, employment center, employment center - low, conservation - reserve water supply areas, conservation - natural reservations, local activity center, transit oriented corridor, transit oriented development, and regional activity center shall be as follows:
      (1)   0.25 for buildings not exceeding one story;
      (2)   0.50 for buildings two stories or greater;
      (3)   All buildings greater than 0.50 up to 1.0 shall be subject to the special exception process as outlined in §§ 155.300 through 155.313.
(Ord. 2021-02, adopted 3-17-21; sought to be reconsidered, Commission passed 4-21-2021)