(A) Planning and Economic Development Department Staff.
(1) Purpose. The staff of the Planning and Economic Development Department is responsible for administering the provisions found in the LDC.
(2) Powers and duties:
(a) Review development applications.
(b) Conduct pre-application meetings.
(c) Maintain the official zoning map and associated materials.
(d) Serve as professional staff to the Board of Adjustment, Planning and Zoning Board , City Commission and other advisory boards as necessary.
(e) Provide expertise and technical assistance to the city's review and decision-making bodies on request.
(f) Recommend action on applications that are reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board and or City Commission.
(g) Establish application submittal requirements and review procedures.
(h) Render decisions on designated administrative reviews.
(i) Render decisions on applications including alcoholic beverage licenses, landscape permits, tree removal permits and zoning certificates of use.
(B) Development Review Committee (DRC).
(1) Purpose. The Development Review Committee (DRC) is an advisory group of city staff members and outside agencies (as necessary) who meet to review and comment on development applications and discuss other matters related to the city's review and management of development.
(2) Membership. The DRC shall include but is not limited to the following disciplines: planning, zoning, fire prevention, engineering, landscaping, police, Water Management District(s), Broward County Mass Transit, Florida Power and Light, utilities, waste/trash city contract vendor and any other agencies as determined by the staff project managers.
(3) Powers and duties: The committee shall have the following jurisdiction:
(a) Review and render recommendations on development applications.
(b) Act as the land development regulation commission pursuant to F.S. §§ 163.3164 et seq., so as to develop and recommend to the City Commission Land Development Code amendments.
(C) Board of Adjustment.
(1) Purpose. The Board of Adjustment shall be established to hear and decide upon zoning variances, interpretation of the LDC and appeals of departmental LDC interpretations for individual single-family residential properties.
(2) Powers and duties. Make decisions on variances, interpretation of the LDC and appeals of departmental LDC interpretations for individual single-family residential properties.
(D) Planning and Zoning Board.
(1) Purpose. The Planning and Zoning Board shall serve as the Architecture Review Board, as well as the Local Planning Agency in accordance with F.S. § 163.3174 and render decisions or recommendation for applicable application found under this LDC.
(2) Powers and duties:
(a) Serve as an advisory board to the City Commission.
(b) Make decisions for the following applications:
1. Appeal of staff decision;
2. Flexibility allocation;
3. Interpretation;
4. Site plan* (See § 155.301(A));
5. Site plan amendment* (See § 155.301(B));
6. Special exception* (See § 155.301(M));
7. Variance (multi-family, nonresidential).
(c) Make recommendations to the City Commission for the following applications:
1. Comprehensive plan amendment;
2. DRI amendment;
3. Land use plan amendment;
4. Plat;
5. Site plan* (See § 155.301(A));
6. Site plan amendment* (See § 155.301(B));
7. Special exception* (See § 155.301(M));
8. Zoning change (Land Development Code or planned district);
9. Zoning change text.
(3) For applications in which the Planning and Zoning Board makes a decision, the decision shall be either:
(a) Approval as submitted;
(b) Approval subject to condition(s);
(c) Denial.
(4) For applications in which the Planning and Zoning Board makes a recommendation, the recommendation shall be a transmittal to City Commission for:
(a) Approval;
(b) Approval subject to condition(s);
(c) Denial.
(E) City Commission.
(1) General. In addition to other authority granted to City Commission by the Florida Constitution and State Law, the City Commission has specified powers and duties under the LDC.
(2) Powers and duties:
(a) Make decisions for the following applications:
1. Appeals of Planning and Zoning Board or Board of Adjustment decision;
2. Comprehensive plan amendment;
3. Delegation request;
4. DRI amendment;
5. Plat;
6. Site plan* (See § 155.301(A));
7. Site plan amendment* (See § 155.301(B));
8. Special exception* (See § 155.301(M));
9. Zoning change (Land Development Code or planned district);
10. Zoning change text.
(b) Make decisions on residential density and nonresidential intensity of development.
(c) Perform any other functions as designated by motion, resolution or ordinance of the City Commission.
(3) The City Commission decision shall be either:
(a) Approval as submitted;
(b) Approval subject to conditions;
(c) Denial;
(d) Table or defer to a specified time;
(e) Transmittal of application back to the recommending body or board.
(Ord. 2021-02, adopted 3-17-21; sought to be reconsidered, Commission passed 4-21-2021)