(A) Purpose. This subchapter is intended to regulate the access, circulation, loading and parking of all properties within the city.
(B) Applicability, The following provisions shall apply to residential and nonresidential property unless otherwise specified herein.
(C) General standards.
(1) No land which is residentially-used shall be used as a driveway or vehicular access for a nonresidential use.
(2) All vehicles, trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, special use, or similar vehicle must be parked or stored on a paved surface as defined by § 155.203 of this LDC, unless parked or stored within a fenced area obstructed from view. This section shall be supplemental to any other provision of this Code.
(3) Uses not specifically listed. The requirements for off-street parking for any uses not specifically listed in this subchapter shall be determined by the Planning and Economic Development Department Director. The applicant may seek an appeal or interpretation of the Director's determination to the City's Planning and Zoning Board as outlined in §§ 155.300 through 155.313.
(4) Additional loading, parking, or stacking plans and studies may be required upon application submittal to the Planning and Economic Development Department.
(5) Fractional measurements. When units or measurements determining number of required off-street parking and loading spaces result in requirement of fractional space, any fraction shall require a full off-street parking and loading spaces.
(6) The placement of loading or parking shall not interfere with the connectivity of the shopping center or community in which it is located. (Ord. 2021-02, adopted 3-17-21; sought to be reconsidered, Commission passed 4-21-2021; Am. Ord. 2022, passed 6- 18-24)