Chapter 175
General Provisions
   § 175-1.   Purpose.
   § 175-2.   Conformance required.
   § 175-3.   Interpretation.
   § 175-4.   Authority to be exclusive.
   § 175-5.   Effect on powers of governing body.
   § 175-6.   Citizens' Advisory Committee.
   § 175-7.   Zoning Officer.
   § 175-8.   Compensation of board members.
   § 175-9.   Word usage.
   § 175-10.   Terms defined.
Master Plan; Capital Improvement Program
   § 175-11.   Master Plan.
   § 175-12.   Capital improvement program.
Planning Board; Preservation Board
   § 175-13.   Establishment; membership.
   § 175-14.   Terms of members; vacancies; removal.
   § 175-15.   Voting by absent members.
   § 175-16.   Alternate members.
   § 175-17.   Officers; other staff and services.
   § 175-18.   Rules and regulations.
   § 175-19.   Powers and duties.
   § 175-20.   Time limit for decisions.
   § 175-21.   Certificate of appropriateness.
Zoning Board of Adjustment
   § 175-22.   Establishment.
   § 175-23.   (Reserved)
   § 175-24.   Voting by absent members.
   § 175-25.   (Reserved)
   § 175-26.   Officers; other staff and services.
   § 175-27.   Rules and regulations.
   § 175-28.   General powers and duties.
   § 175-29.   Additional powers.
   § 175-30.   Appeals and applications.
   § 175-31.   Time limit for decisions.
Provisions Applicable to Both Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment
   § 175-32.   Conflicts of interest.
   § 175-33.   Meetings.
   § 175-34.   Minutes.
   § 175-35.   Twenty-one-day requirement.
   § 175-36.   Hearings.
   § 175-37.   Notification of Pinelands Commission.
   § 175-38.   Public notice requirements for hearings.
   § 175-39.   List of property owners.
   § 175-40.   Decisions.
   § 175-41.   Publication of decisions.
   § 175-42.   Proof of payment of taxes; corporate disclosure.
   § 175-43.   Appeal to Town Council.
   § 175-44.   Information to be available to Environmental Commission.
   § 175-45.   Certificate of subdivision approval.
   § 175-46.   Payment of fees; escrow; agreement.
   § 175-47.   Subdivision review fees.
   § 175-48.   Categories of site plan fees.
   § 175-49.   Site plan review fees.
   § 175-50.   Other fees and escrows.
   § 175-50.1.   Development fees.
Development Review and Approval
   § 175-51.   Definitions.
   § 175-52.   Review requirements; exemptions; waivers; deviations.
   § 175-53.   Concept design review.
   § 175-54.   Filing of applications with Pinelands Commission.
   § 175-55.   Minor subdivision review.
   § 175-56.   Review of major subdivisions and planned development.
   § 175-57.   Minor site plan review.
   § 175-58.   Major site plan review.
   § 175-59.   Conditional use review.
   § 175-60.   Pinelands Commission review.
   § 175-61.   Procedure for application for development of single-family dwellings.
   § 175-62.   Conditional approvals.
   § 175-63.   Standards for development review.
Plat Detail and Data
   § 175-64.   Plat conformity required.
   § 175-65.   Conceptual plan.
   § 175-66.   Minor subdivision plat.
   § 175-67.   Preliminary major subdivision and planned development plans.
   § 175-68.   Final plat for major subdivision and planned development.
   § 175-69.   Minor site plan.
   § 175-70.   Preliminary major site plan.
   § 175-71.   Final major site plan.
Guaranties; Inspections; Acceptance of Improvements
   § 175-72.   Guaranties for on-tract improvements.
   § 175-73.   Guaranties for off-tract improvements.
   § 175-74.   Certification or guaranty required; estimate of guaranty.
   § 175-75.   Approval by Town Attorney.
   § 175-76.   Bonding and cash requirements.
   § 175-77.   Inspections and tests.
   § 175-78.   Reduction of guaranty.
   § 175-79.   Conditions for acceptance of improvements; maintenance guaranty.
   § 175-80.   Certificate of occupancy.
Effect of Approvals
   § 175-81.   Preliminary approval of major subdivisions and major site plans.
   § 175-82.   Final approval of major subdivisions and major site plans.
   § 175-83.   Approval of minor subdivisions.
   § 175-84.   Approval of minor site plan.
   § 175-85.   Suspension of running period of approval.
Design, Performance and Evaluation Standards
   § 175-86.   General standards.
   § 175-87.   Accessory buildings.
   § 175-88.   Agricultural management.
   § 175-89.   Air quality.
   § 175-90.   Blocks.
   § 175-91.   Buffer areas; motor vehicle screening and storage.
   § 175-92.   Building design.
   § 175-93.   Outdoor furnishings in Downtown Districts.
   § 175-94.   Corner lots.
   § 175-95.   Curbs.
   § 175-96.   Easements.
   § 175-97.   Energy conservation.
   § 175-98.   Fences and walls.
   § 175-99.   Environmental impact statement.
   § 175-100.   Fire management.
   § 175-101.   Fire hydrants.
   § 175-102.   Fish and wildlife.
   § 175-103.   Floodplain regulations.
   § 175-104.   Forestry.
   § 175-105.   Grading and filling.
   § 175-106.   Height limitations.
   § 175-107.   Historical, archaeological and cultural preservation.
   § 175-108.   Home occupations.
   § 175-109.   Home professional office.
   § 175-110.   Homeowners' association.
   § 175-111.   Hotels and motels.
   § 175-112.   On-site lighting.
   § 175-112.1.   Lot grading and drainage.
   § 175-113.   Lots.
   § 175-114.   Mobile agricultural employee housing.
   § 175-115.   Mobile homes.
   § 175-116.   Monuments.
   § 175-117.   Nonconforming uses, structures or lots.
   § 175-118.   Off-street parking and loading.
   § 175-119.   Contributions for off-tract improvements.
   § 175-120.   Performance standards.
   § 175-121.   Number of principal structures and uses permitted.
   § 175-122.   Public utilities.
   § 175-123.   Open space and recreation.
   § 175-124.   Service stations and car washes.
   § 175-125.   Shade trees.
   § 175-126.   Sidewalks.
   § 175-127.   Sight triangles.
   § 175-128.   (Reserved)
   § 175-129.   Soil erosion and sediment control.
   § 175-130.   Soil removal and redistribution.
   § 175-131.   Storage of recreational vehicles and boats.
   § 175-132.   Storage of commercial vehicles.
   § 175-133.   (Reserved)
   § 175-134.   Streets.
   § 175-135.   Swimming pools.
   § 175-136.   Vegetation.
   § 175-137.   Water quality.
   § 175-138.   Waste management.
   § 175-139.   Water supply.
   § 175-140.   Wetlands.
   § 175-141.   Yard areas.
   § 175-142.   Zoning districts designated.
   § 175-143.   Zoning Map.
   § 175-144.   Zone boundaries.
   § 175-145.   General regulations.
   § 175-146.   Preservation Area.
   § 175-146.1.   Special Agricultural Production District.
   § 175-147.   Forest Area.
   § 175-148.   Agricultural Production District.
   § 175-149.   Agricultural Production/Compatible Light Industry District.
   § 175-150.   Rural Residential District.
   § 175-151.   Residential-1 District.
   § 175-152.   Residential-2 District.
   § 175-153.   Residential-3 District.
   § 175-154.   (Reserved)
   § 175-154.1.   Gateway District, Avenue.
   § 175-154.2.   Gateway District, Boulevard.
   § 175-154.3.    Gateway District, Crossroads.
   § 175-154.4.    Downtown District, Near Town.
   § 175-154.5.    Downtown District, In Town Railway.
   § 175-154.6.    Downtown District, In Town.
   § 175-154.7.    Downtown District, Downtown.
   § 175-154.8.    Conditional Uses, Downtown and Gateway Districts.
   § 175-154.9.   Downtown Improvement District.
   § 175-155.   Highway Business District.
   § 175-156.   General requirements for business districts.
   § 175-157.   Industrial Park District.
   § 175-158.   Multi-Use District.
   § 175-158.1.   Inclusionary Development Zone.
   § 175-159.   Recreation Zone.
   § 175-160.   Building types.
   § 175-161.   Signs.
   § 175-162.   Affordable housing
Penalties; Enforcement; Duration of Variances
   § 175-163.   Violations and penalties.
   § 175-164.   Enforcement.
   § 175-165.   Duration of variances.
Outstanding Permits, Approvals and Variances
   § 175-166.   Effect on outstanding permits, approvals and variances.
Repealer; Severability; When Effective
   § 175-167.   Repealer.
   § 175-168.   Severability.
   § 175-169.   When effective; filing with county; amendments.
Stormwater Management
   § 175-170.   Scope and purpose.
   § 175-171.   Definitions.
   § 175-172.   Stormwater management requirements.
   § 175-173.   Calculation of stormwater runoff and groundwater recharge.
   § 175-174.   Sources for technical guidance.
   § 175-175.   Solids and floatable materials control standards.
   § 175-176.   Safety standards for stormwater management basins.
   § 175-177.   Requirements for a site development stormwater plan.
   § 175-178.   Maintenance and repair.
   § 175-179.   Variances
   § 175-180.   Penalties.
Personal Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
   § 175-181.   Purpose.
   § 175-182.   Development.
   § 175-183.   Design standards.
   § 175-184.   Collocation policy.
Wind and Solar Energy Systems
   § 175-185.   Purpose.
   § 175-186.   Small wind energy systems and solar energy systems permitted as accessory uses; restrictions.
   § 175-187.   Development requirements for wind energy systems.
   § 175-188.   Development requirements for solar energy systems.
   § 175-189.   General requirements for all small wind energy systems and solar energy systems.
   Drawing: 2-Lot
   Drawing: 3-Lot
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton 9-10-1984 by Ord. No. 17-1984. 1 Amendments noted where applicable.]
1.   Editor's Note: This ordinance was reaffirmed as the Land Use Ordinance of the Town 6-26-2000 by Ord. No. 16-2000, which stated: “The Land Use Ordinance of the Town of Hammonton, adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton 9-10-1984 by Ord. No. 17-1984, and amendments thereto, as revised and codified by General Code Publishers Corp. and renumbered as Chapter 175, is hereby approved, adopted, ordained and enacted the land use legislation of the Town of Hammonton.”