§ 175-91. Buffer areas; motor vehicle screening and storage. [Amended 10-12-1987 by Ord. No. 13-1987]
   A.   Buffer areas are required along lot and street lines of all nonresidential lots where said property lines or the center line of adjacent streets abut residential uses or residential zoning district lines and other locations as specified in Article XIII. Each permitted use shall provide and maintain attractively landscaped grounds and suitable screening in order to safeguard the character of adjacent districts. The width of the buffer area for each particular zoning district shall be as prescribed in Article XIII and may be coexistent with the rear yard only if approved by the Planning Board. Buffer areas shall be measured horizontally and be either perpendicular to straight lot and street lines or radial to curved lot and street lines. Buffer areas shall be maintained and kept clear of all debris, rubbish, weeds and tall grass. No above-surface structure or activity, stormwater drainage facility, the storage of materials or parking of vehicles shall be permitted in the buffer area, and all buffer areas shall be planted and maintained with grass or ground cover, together with a dense screen of trees, shrubs or other plant materials, meeting the following requirements:
      (1)   Tree species, when used in screen planting, shall be at least six feet in height when planted and shall be of such density that all the glare of automobile headlights emitted from the premises is obscured through the full course of the year. The plant material shall be of a species native to the area, as listed in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.23, and shall be of nursery stock and shall be free of insects and diseases. (See § 175-136.)
      (2)   Landscaped berms planted with native tree and shrub species which, when mature, will present a dense visual screen are recommended for designated buffer areas.
      (3)   Buffer areas shall be permanently maintained, and plant material which does not live shall be replaced within one year or one growing season.
      (4)   The screen planting shall be so placed that at maturity the plant material will be no closer than three feet from any street or property line.
      (5)   The buffer area shall not be broken unless specifically approved by the Planning Board.
   B.   Motor vehicle screening and storage. No more than 10 automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles, whether or not they are in operating condition, shall be stored on any lot unless such motor vehicles are adequately screened from adjacent residential uses and scenic corridors. All vehicles not in operating condition shall be stored only if the gasoline tanks of such vehicles are drained. This subsection shall not apply to vehicles which are in operating condition or which are maintained for agricultural purposes.
[Added 4-10-1989 by Ord. No. 7-1989]