§ 175-50. Other fees and escrows.
[Amended 7-28-1986 by Ord. No. 17-1986; 4-24-1989 by Ord. No. 14-1989; 4-22-1996 by Ord. No. 3-1996; 8-24-2009 by Ord. No. 17-2009]
   A.   Fees.
      (1)   Hear and decide appeals: $300.
      (2)   Interpretation of the Zoning Map: $300.
      (3)   Hardship variance: $200.
         (a)   Escrow fee: $750.
      (4)   Use variance: $250.
         (a)   Escrow fee: $1,000.
      (5)   Conditional uses: The fee shall be that which applies to minor or major site plans, whichever category is applicable to the application in question.
      (6)   Hearing for permit for building or structure:
         (a)   In bed of mapped street, et al: $200.
         (b)   Not related to a street: $200.
      (7)   Site plan waiver request: $250.
         (a)   Escrow fee: $750.
      (8)   Request for waiver from the requirement that curbs and sidewalks be installed: $150.
      (9)   Certificate of appropriateness (historical, archaeological and cultural designations):
         (a)   If a certificate of appropriateness is required, the application fee shall be $100.
         (b)   Escrow fees may be required, if necessary, as generally set forth in § 175-46.
      (10)   Certificate of subdivision approval:
         (a)   The fee for a certificate confirming subdivision approval shall be $15.
         (b)   The fee to update this certificate shall be $5, and the updated certificate may be reissued within two years of the original certificate.
      (11)   Signs.
         (a)   The following fees shall apply for a permit to construct a permanent new sign which is not a substantially similar replacement of a sign in that location: $1 per square foot of surface area of a sign (calculated and applied to one side of a double-faced sign only), but in no event less than $50.
         (b)   An addition to an existing permitted sign shall have a fee only as to the additional sign square footage.
         (c)   The fee shall be $25 for a sign substantially similar to the sign being replaced.
         (d)   The fee for a permit to use a temporary, portable sign shall be $25, which permit shall expire in 90 days.
      (12)   Zoning permit/certificate of conformity/letter of interpretation application fee: $25.
[Added 4-18-2011 by Ord. No. 6-2011]
   B.   Escrows. All escrows shall be $500 unless otherwise specified or waived by the respective board. When any escrow drops below 30% of the initial amount deposited, the applicant must deposit funds to replenish escrow to 100% of initial amount deposited.