§ 175-189. General requirements for all small wind energy systems and solar energy systems.
   A.   Wind and solar energy systems shall not be used for displaying any advertisement except for reasonable identification of the manufacturer or operator of the system. In no case shall any identification be visible from a property line or a public right-of-way.
   B.   The design of wind or solar energy systems shall, to the extent reasonably possible, use materials, colors, textures, screening and landscaping that will blend the facility into the natural setting and existing environment.
   C.   All applications for a wind or solar energy system shall conform to the provisions of §§ 267-7 through 267-18 of the Town of Hammonton Tree Preservation and Maintenance Ordinance, with respect to tree removal. An applicant shall locate a wind or solar energy system so that tree removal is not required to the extent practical.
   D.   The installation of a wind or solar energy system shall conform to the National Electric Code as adopted by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
   E.   The installation of a wind or solar energy system is subject to all Atlantic City Electric Company requirements or the requirements of any other entity supplying power to the area for interconnection.
   F.   The provisions of § 175-106 shall not apply to wind and solar energy systems with regard to height. Wind and solar energy systems shall conform to the height restrictions provided in this article.
   G.   Abandonment.
      (1)   A small wind energy system or solar energy system that is out of service for a continuous twelve-month period will be deemed to have been abandoned.
      (2)   The Zoning Officer may issue a notice of abandonment to the owner. The notice shall be sent via regular and certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of record.
      (3)   Any abandoned system shall be removed at the owner's sole expense within six months after the owner receives a notice of abandonment from the municipality. If the system is not removed within six months of receipt of notice from the Town notifying the owner of such abandonment, the Town may remove the system as set forth below.
      (4)   When an owner of a wind or solar energy system has been notified to remove same and has not done so six months after receiving said notice, then the Town may remove such system and place a lien upon the property for the cost of the removal. If removed by the owner, a demolition permit shall be obtained prior to the system being removed and the facility shall thereafter be removed. Upon removal, the site shall be cleaned, restored and revegetated to blend with the existing surrounding vegetation at the time of abandonment.