§ 175-134. Streets.
   A.   Reserve strips denying or controlling access thereto from abutting lands are not permitted, except where control or ownership of such strips is vested in the Town of Hammonton for future street or road purposes or where reverse frontage is provided and tree planting, noise abatement or other buffer zones are established and such lots or lands do not require direct access.
   B.   Minor streets and alleys shall be so designated as to discourage through traffic.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 23-2011]
   C.   Subdivisions abutting arterial streets shall provide either a marginal access service road, reverse frontage with a planted buffer strip or an additional lane for acceleration and deceleration along the entire frontage of the subdivision to prevent direct-turning movements onto or from arterial streets, as determined by the Board to be appropriate.
   D.   Subdivisions that adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to widths shown on the Master Plan or as required by this chapter shall dedicate additional width along either one or both sides of said street. If the subdivision is along one side only, ½ of the required extra width shall be dedicated.
   E.   Dead-end streets (culs-de-sac) shall not exceed 600 feet in length and shall provide a turnaround at the end with a radius of not less than 50 feet at the curbline and tangent whenever possible to the right side of the street. If a dead-end street is of a temporary nature, a turnaround shall be provided with a fifty-foot radius tangent to the right side of the street, and provisions shall be made for future extension of the street and reversion of the excess right-of-way to the adjoining properties.
   F.   All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of sufficient radius to provide a smooth transition and proper sight distance.
   G.   A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets, as stipulated in the design requirements of the New Jersey State Highway Department.
   H.   Horizontal curves at all ninety-degree street bends shall have a minimum radius of 100 feet along the inside curve line.
   I.   Street intersections.
      (1)   Angles at intersections, streets or roads connecting with any road in the town shall be at right angles in the case of arterials and collectors. All other streets shall be at right angles wherever possible, but not less than 60º measured at the center line of the street or road. The block corner at intersections shall be rounded at the curbline with a curve having a radius of not less than 20 feet. Access road connections shall be at the safest possible angle as determined by the Town Engineer.
      (2)   Spacing. Two new streets connecting with existing town streets shall be required for a subdivision or development where frontages in excess of 1,200 feet are present. Streets shall connect with the same side of a town street at intervals of 600 feet between center lines, unless waived to increase safety by the specific recommendation of the Town Engineer. In determining the spacing of streets, consideration shall be given to the intersections on all sides of the development. If possible, streets which connect with the existing road system from opposite sides of a town road shall not be offset. If the roads must be offset, they shall be separated by at least 150 feet between their center lines.
      (3)   Grading. A maximum road grade of 2% shall be used to ensure safe stopping under icy conditions on any new streets connecting with existing and proposed streets at their approaches to the intersection. Grades shall be designed to direct surface drainage away from the existing streets, unless intercepting underground drainage facilities are provided to prevent flow of water over the street surface.
   J.   Construction design standards.
      (1)   Hot mixed asphalt constructed in two courses, as follows, and in accordance with the current New Jersey State Highway Department Specifications for such construction. The first or base course shall be a hot mixed asphalt base course having a minimum compacted thickness of two and a half inches. The second or finish course shall be hot mixed asphalt surface course having a minimum compacted thickness of two inches. All streets shall be curbed on both sides. Streets having a grade of more than 5% or less than 0.5%, but in no case less than 0.4%, shall be guttered on both sides. The minimum requirement for the Dense Grated Aggregate ("DGA") subbase course of any street shall be six inches thick and conform to the requirements specified in the current New Jersey State Highway Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
      (2)   Where subbase conditions of proposed streets are wet, springy or of such a nature that surfacing would be inadvisable without first treating the subbase, the treatment of the subbase shall be made in the following manner. The street shall be excavated to a depth that shall be a minimum of 12 inches below the proposed finished subbase grade. Where required by the Town Engineer, a system of porous concrete pipe subsurface drains shall be constructed beneath the surface of the road and connected to a suitable drain. After this subbase material has been properly placed and compacted, the street surfacing material as described heretofore shall be spread thereon. All streets shall be provided with catch basins and pipes where same may be necessary for proper surface drainage. (The requirements of this section shall not be satisfied by the construction of dry wells.)
      (3)   Prior to the construction of the final paving, the developer shall have installed all underground utility mains and services such as water, sanitary and storm sewer pipe, telephone, electric and gas. The services mentioned shall consist of the installation of connections and laterals from the main to a point on the property side of the curb.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 23-2011]
   K.   Street continuation.
      (1)   All streets or roads which are designed to become part of the street or road system of the Town of Hammonton, as shown on the preliminary and final plans, shall be coterminous with adjoining links to said system. The street pattern shall provide for connections to surrounding property to interlink future residential streets.
      (2)   Dead-end streets shall be avoided wherever possible. If their use is unavoidable, all such street and roads serving several otherwise isolated lots, where necessary in the opinion of the Town Engineer and the Planning Board, shall have circular turning spaces at the end with a minimum radius of 50 feet at the curbline; and, if sidewalks need to be provided for, the overall minimum radius of the right-of-way shall be 60 feet. Where future street extensions result in a dead-end street, the road surface may be paved the full width of the right-of-way for temporary turning movements, if required by the Town Engineer.
   L.   In all developments, the minimum street right-of-way shall be measured from lot line to lot line and shall be in accordance with the following schedule, but in no case shall a new street that is a continuation of an existing street be continued at a width less than the existing street, although a greater width may be required in accordance with the following schedule. Where any arterial or collector street intersects another arterial or collector street, the right-of-way and cartway requirements shall be increased by 10 feet on the right side of the street(s) approaching the intersection for a distance of 300 feet from the intersection of the center lines.
Type of Street
Right-of-Way (feet)
Traffic Lanes
Width (feet)
Widths Within Gutters (feet)
Width Between Gutters (feet)
Sub collector
   M.   In case of residential development, Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) for street dimensions shall apply.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 23-2011]