§ 175-48. Categories of site plan fees.
   For the purposes of establishing application fees for the review of site plans, the following site plan categories are hereby created:
   A.   New commercial construction. This shall consist of all new construction of any type of retail sales establishment, professional or business offices, service establishments or any other use not categorized otherwise herein.
   B.   New construction (industrial). This shall consist of all new construction of any industrial establishment. For purposes of this chapter, an industrial establishment shall be considered to be that type of business where parts may be assembled or where raw materials are converted to form a finished consumer product and where same is distributed to wholesale or retail sales outlets and which do not have direct retail sales greater than 10% of total sales volume. In addition, the following uses shall also fall within this category:
      (1)   Warehouses solely for the storage of materials or products.
      (2)   Heavy construction contractor yard.
      (3)   Any other use which, in the opinion of the approving authority, is within the intent of this section.
   C.   Residential housing. This shall consist of multifamily development apartments, condominium developments and similar residential developments.
   D.   Building alteration. This shall consist of any building or group of buildings for which site plan approval has been previously granted which is being increased in gross floor area greater than 10% of the original floor area or in case of industrial sites greater than 20% of gross floor area. Any building for which site plan approval has been previously granted and which is being increased by less than the values stated shall be considered exempt from the provisions of this chapter, except that this shall be restricted to only the first such enlargement after site plan approval. Also included in this category are any buildings or groups of buildings, regardless of amount of increase in size, which have never previously obtained site plan approval.
   E.   Use change. This shall consist of all land areas and all buildings or groups of buildings not being increased in size but wherein a change of use is proposed and no previous site plan approval for the proposed use has ever been obtained, or where previous site plan approval has been obtained and the new use has a greater parking requirement per this chapter.