§ 175-66. Minor subdivision plat.
   The submitted minor subdivision plat shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base and shall be neatly and accurately drawn at an approximate scale of not more than 200 feet to the inch on one of four of the following standard sheet sizes: 81/2 by 13 inches; 15 by 21 inches; 24 by 36 inches; 30 by 42 inches; to enable the entire tract to be shown on one sheet. The following information shall also be included:
   A.   The location of that portion which is to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract.
   B.   All existing structures and wooded lands within the area to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof, and the shortest distance from any existing structure to any proposed and existing lot line.
   C.   The name of the owner and all adjoining property owners as disclosed by the most recent municipal tax records.
   D.   The Tax Map, block and lot numbers and the subdivision application number.
   E.   All existing and proposed streets within 200 feet of the area to be subdivided for minor subdivisions with rights-of-way and names indicated.
   F.   All subdivisions including more than 5.0 acres or which contain natural drainage ways or soils of poor drainage characteristics must show contours as shown on United States Geological Survey topographic survey sheets.
   G.   All proposed lot lines and existing lot lines proposed to be eliminated.
   H.   The location and approximate size of all bridges and culverts and the location, direction of flow and approximate drainage area of all streams, brooks, ponds, wet-weather swales and ditches in the area to be subdivided and within 200 feet of the area to be subdivided for minor subdivisions.
   I.   A general description of the proposed drainage facilities.
   J.   The location and width of all existing and proposed utility easements in the area to be subdivided.
   K.   The zoning district within which the proposed subdivision is located. If more than one zoning district is involved, the plat shall indicate the district line(s).
   L.   North arrow.
   M.   Scale of plat and date of latest revision.
   N.   Acreage of the entire tract and the area being subdivided to the nearest tenth of an acre; square footage shall be shown when areas to be subdivided are less than 3.2 acres.
   O.   The number of new lots created.
   P.   The names, addresses, phone numbers and signatures of the owner, subdivider and person preparing the plat.
   Q.   The signature, seal and license number and address of the person preparing the plat.
   R.   A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to surrounding areas at a scale of not more than 2,000 feet to the inch.
   S.   A plat or plan showing the location of all boundaries of the subject property, the location of all proposed development and existing or proposed facilities to provide water for the use and consumption of occupants of all buildings and sanitary facilities which will serve the proposed development. The following information shall be included with respect to existing or proposed sanitary facilities:
[Amended 4-10-1989 by Ord. No. 7-1989]
      (1)   On-site treatment facilities: The location, size, type and capacity of any proposed on-site wastewater treatment facilities.
      (2)   Soil borings and percolation tests: If on-site sewage disposal is proposed, results of soil borings and percolation tests in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:11-23 et seq., and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto, shall be submitted at suitable location with a tract map showing location, logs, elevations of all test holes, indicating where groundwater was encountered, estimating the seasonal high-water table and demonstrating that such facility is adequate to meet the water quality standards contained in Article XII of this chapter.
   T.   A soils map, including a county soils survey which conforms to the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, showing the location of all proposed development.
   U.   A map showing existing vegetation, identifying predominant vegetation types in the area, and showing proposed landscaping of the subject property, including the location of the tree line before and after development and all areas to be disturbed as a result of the proposed development
[Amended 4-10-1989 by Ord. No. 7-1989]