§ 175-53. Concept design review.
   A.   An applicant may request, and the Planning Board shall grant, an informal review of a concept design plan for which an applicant intends to prepare and submit an application for development. It is strongly advised that applicants with planned developments submit under the provisions of this section.
[Amended 3-25-2002 by Ord. No. 12-2002]
   B.   A concept design plan and the supporting documents for a proposed development shall constitute the material to be officially submitted to the Planning Board. Said plans and supporting documents shall show a general informal design of the development, including proposed building types if located in a Downtown District or Gateway District, and its public improvements so that the Board can indicate its approval or disapproval of the concept. Approval of the concept design plan does not constitute an approval of the concept or plan, nor shall it be considered a valid basis for the construction of improvements or for other commitments which depend upon its design characteristics. Neither the applicant nor the Board shall be bound by the plan or the review.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 23-2011]
   C.   Should such request be made by the applicant, submission shall be made to the Planning Board Secretary, and the applicant shall submit six copies of the concept design plan of the proposed development and six copies of the preliminary plat application as hereinafter set forth.
   D.   No fee for concept review shall be required from the applicant. However, the applicant and the Board may agree to an escrow fee to be paid by the applicant to cover the cost of professional services incurred by the Board for the review of the concept plan. Said moneys shall be placed in escrow by the Board and may be used for said services, including legal and engineering or other incidental expenses of the Board.
   E.   The Board shall review with the applicant the concept design plan within 45 days of the date of submission. Upon written consent of the applicant, the time period for review shall be extended for additional periods of time to allow for additional review. Failure to review or to extend the review within the applicable periods shall not constitute an approval by the Board.
   F.   Upon the Board completing its review of the concept design plan, it shall return all but one copy of the proposed concept design plan and application to the applicant with any written suggestions. A formal motion at a meeting of the Board to return said documents to the applicant shall stop any time periods from continuing to run. In no event shall the concept design plan be considered to be a preliminary plat for the purposes of deeming an application complete or approving a preliminary plat.