§ 175-157. Industrial Park District.
   A.   The following uses are permitted in the M-1 Zoning District subject to § 175-120:
      (1)   Manufacturing plants of a type which carry on processes within completely enclosed buildings, including the manufacture, assembly or treatment of products from previously prepared materials.
      (2)   Wholesale distribution centers for wholesale sales, storage and distribution, including building material sales.
      (3)   Laboratories of an experimental, research or testing nature which carry on processes within completely enclosed buildings.
      (4)   Needle products manufacturing, including cutting, tailoring, weaving, knitting and yard finishing uses.
      (5)   Wholesale fuel distribution centers, including facilities for bulk storage.
      (6)   Commercial bakeries and commercial laundries.
      (7)   Offices and office buildings.
      (8)   Banks and banking services and financial institutions.
[Added 11-15-2004 by Ord. No. 27-2004]
   B.   Accessory uses permitted in addition to customary accessory uses.
      (1)   Temporary construction trailers and one sign not exceeding 100 square feet, each advertising the prime contractor, subcontractors, architect, financing institution and similar data for the period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or one year, whichever is less, provided that said trailer(s) and sign are on the site where construction is taking place and are set back at least 15 feet from any street right-of-way line or property line.
      (2)   Employee cafeterias as part of a principal building or as the entire use of a principal building, provided that the cafeteria is limited in service to the employees of the principal use designated on the site plan as appropriated by the Planning Board.
   C.   Bulk requirements for individual uses.
[Amended 10-12-1987 by Ord. No. 13-1987]
      (1)   Minimum lot area: 80,000 square feet.
      (2)   Minimum lot frontage: 300 feet.
      (3)   Minimum front setback: 100 feet.
      (4)   Minimum side yard: 50 feet.
      (5)   Minimum rear yard: 75 feet.
      (6)   Maximum coverage: 70%.
      (7)   Maximum building height for principal structure only: 42 feet.
   D.   Bulk requirements for industrial parks.
      (1)   Minimum tract size: six acres.
      (2)   Minimum lot size: 65,000 square feet.
      (3)   Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
      (4)   Minimum setback: 75 feet; internal: 50 feet.
      (5)   Minimum side yard: 50 feet; internal: 35 feet.
      (6)   Minimum rear yard: 75 feet; internal: 35 feet.
      (7)   Maximum coverage (tract): 75%.
   E.   General requirements.
      (1)   Any principal building may contain more than one use or organization. Any lot may contain more than one principal building, provided that the total building coverage specified for the district is not exceeded and that the following building separation requirements are met:
         (a)   All principal buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 25 feet, provided that such separation is to be used solely for pedestrian circulation.
         (b)   All principal buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 50 feet when such separation is to be used for parking or vehicular circulation.
      (2)   At least 50 feet adjacent to any exterior street line and 30 feet adjacent to any exterior lot line shall not be used for parking and shall be planted and maintained in lawn area, ground cover or landscaped with evergreen shrubbery and shall be separated from the parking area by poured concrete, Belgian block or suitable curbing as determined by the Town Engineer and Planning Board during site plan review.
      (3)   No merchandise, products, waste equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed or stored outside except for outdoor storage of mobile equipment.
      (4)   All portions of the property not utilized by buildings or paved surfaces shall be landscaped utilizing combinations such as landscaped fencing, shrubbery, lawn area, ground cover, rock formations, contours, existing foliage and the planting of conifers and/or deciduous trees native to the area in order to either maintain or reestablish the tone of the vegetation in the area and lessen the visual impact of the structures and paved areas. The established grades on any site shall be planted for both aesthetic and drainage purposes. The grading plan, drainage facilities and landscaping shall be coordinated to prevent erosion and silting as well as assuring that the capacity of any natural or manmade drainage system is sufficient to handle the water generated and anticipated both from the site and contributing upstream areas.
      (5)   All buildings shall be compatibly designed, whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of time. All building walls facing any street or residential district line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
      (6)   A minimum buffer area of 100 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line within a residential district and shall be planted as stipulated in § 175-91. In those cases where a portion of a lot abuts a public street, a distance equivalent to the footage between the street center line and the edge of the street right-of-way shall be deducted from the required buffer width along that portion.
[Amended 10-12-1987 by Ord. No. 13-1987]
      (7)   Minimum off-street loading.
         (a)   Each activity shall provide for off-street loading and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and provide such areas at the side or rear of the building. Each space shall be at least 15 feet by 40 feet, and one space shall be provided for every 8,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof in each building. There shall be no loading or unloading from the street.
         (b)   Loading area requirements may be met by combining the floor areas of several activities taking place under one roof and applying the above ratios.
         (c)   There shall be at least one trash and garbage pickup location provided by each building which shall be separated from the parking spaces by either a location within the building or in a pickup location outside the building. The trash and/or garbage shall be stored in a steel-like, totally enclosed container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by a fence, wall, planting or combination of the three. If located within the building the doorway may serve both the loading and trash/garbage functions. If a container is used for trash/garbage functions and is located outside the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general loading area(s), provided that the container in no way interferes with or restricts loading and unloading functions.
         (d)   All off-street loading areas shall be lighted.
      (8)   Where the proposed development is proposed on any lot which abuts or is across a public street from an active agricultural use, the development shall incorporate a fifty-foot planted buffer or a one-hundred-foot planted buffer where the property abuts an Agricultural Production (AP) Zone in accordance with § 175-91 in addition to the required building setback standards. This buffer shall be required on the property line(s) of the lot which abuts or is across a public street from the active agricultural use or the AP Zone. The applicant shall, as a condition of preliminary approval and prior to filing an application for final approval, place on record a deed creating a perpetual conservation easement over the buffer area as defined in this section, where said lot abuts an AP Zone.
[Added 11-27-1989 by Ord. No. 40-1989]
      (9)   No nonresidential use in the M-1 District shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater treatment plant.
[Added 6-28-1993 by Ord. No. 13-1993]