§ 175-184. Collocation policy.
   A.   The Town of Hammonton's Municipal Engineer shall maintain an inventory of existing PWTF sites within the Town of Hammonton.
   B.   An applicant proposing a PWTF at a new location shall demonstrate that it made a reasonable attempt to find a collocation site acceptable to the applicable engineering standard and none was practically or economically feasible.
   C.   Each application for a new PWTF site shall be accompanied by a plan which shall reference all existing PWTF locations in the Town of Hammonton and any such facilities in the abutting municipalities which provide service to areas within the Town of Hammonton.
   D.   Each application shall include a site location alternative analysis, describing the location of other sites considered, the availability of those sites, the extent to which other sites do or do not meet the provider's service or engineering needs, and the reasons why the proposed site was chosen. The analysis shall include, but is not limited to:
      (1)   How the proposed location of the PETF or PWTEF relates to the location of any existing sites within and near the Town of Hammonton.
      (2)   How the location of the proposed PWTF or PWTEF relates to the anticipated need for additional wireless communications antennas within the Town of Hammonton by the applicant.
      (3)   How the proposed location of the proposed PWTF or PWTEF relates to the objective of allocating the antennas of many different providers of wireless communications services on the same PWTF; and
      (4)   A report, prepared and signed by a qualified expert, documenting the capacity of any proposed PWTF for the number and type of antennas;
      (5)   A letter of intent signed by the applicant, indicating the applicant will share the use of any PWTF with other licensed providers of wireless communications services.
      (6)   The applicant shall supply the Town Engineer appropriate certified longitude and latitude information for Hammonton's G.I.S. data bank.
      (7)   How the proposed location of the PWTF or PWTEF relates to any comprehensive plan for local community facilities which has been approved by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.4(c).
   E.   The appropriate Land Use Board may retain its own technical consultants as it deems necessary to provide assistance in the review of the site location alternatives analysis or other aspects of the application. The applicant shall bear the reasonable cost associated with such consultation, which cost shall be deposited in accordance with the Town of Hammonton's escrow provisions.
   F.   Any PWTF which is not operated for any continuous period of 12 months shall be considered abandoned. If there are two or more users of a single PWTF, then the abandonment shall not become effective until all users cease using the PWTF for any continuous period of 12 months. The owner of such PWTF shall remove same within 90 days of notice from the Town of Hammonton's Zoning Officer that the PWTF is abandoned. If such PWTF is not removed within said 90 days, the Town of Hammonton may remove such PWTF at the owner's expense. Upon the dismantling and removal of a PWTF, the property on which the facility was located shall be restored in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.24.
   G.   New PWTFs may be constructed to a maximum height of 200 feet above ground level. All towers shall be designed so that their height may be increased to 200 feet if necessary to accommodate the needs of other PWTFs in the future. Any PWTF mounted on an existing building or structure shall not extend beyond the overall height of any such building or structure by more than 15 feet. PWTEFs are limited to 15 feet in height. The height shall be subject to FAA approval.
   H.   All PWTF and PWTEF shall be subject to a minimum lot size requirement of either the square of 1/2 the height of the PWTF, or the minimum yard requirement of the zone in which it is located, whichever is greater. If PWTFs are located on the roof of a building or structure, the area of the PWTFs and PWTEF shall not occupy more than 25% of the roof area.
   I.   PWTFs shall be separated from all residential dwellings by a minimum of 200 feet. To the extent this subsection imposes a greater setback requirement than otherwise set forth in the Town of Hammonton's Municipal Land Use Ordinances, this section shall be controlling.