§ 175-163. Violations and penalties.
   A.   Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $500 and/or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each and every violation of this chapter and each day that a violation of this chapter continues shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation thereof.
   B.   Any corporation or partnership which conceals the names of the stockholders owning 10% or more of its stock, or of the individual partners owning a ten-percent-or-greater interest in the partnership, as the case may be, shall be subject to a fine of $1,000 to $10,000 which shall be recovered in the name of the town in any court of record in the state in a summary manner pursuant to the Penalty Enforcement Law (N.J.S.A. 2A:58-1 et seq.).
   C.   If before final subdivision approval has been granted, any person transfers or sells or agrees to transfer or sell, except pursuant to an agreement expressly conditioned on final subdivision approval, as owner or agent, any land which forms a part of a subdivision for which town approval is required by ordinance pursuant to this act, such person shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed $1,000, and each lot disposition so made may be deemed a separate violation.