§ 175-68. Final plat for major subdivision and planned development.
[Amended 3-25-2002 by Ord. No. 12-2002]
   A.   The final plat for major subdivisions shall be drawn in accordance with the requirements for preliminary plats specified in this chapter. The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the same information required for preliminary plat approval in addition to the following:
      (1)   Tract boundary lines; exterior lines or streets; easements and other rights-of-way; street names; land reserved or dedicated to public use; all lot lines and other site lines with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles; and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves based on an actual survey by a land surveyor licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey. All dimensions of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision shall be balanced and closed to a precision of 1:10,000 and the dimensions of all lot lines to within one to 1:20,000. All dimensions, angles and bearings must be tied to at least two permanent monuments not less than 300 feet apart, and all information shall be indicated on the plat.
      (2)   At least one corner of the subdivision shall be tied to United States Geological Survey bench marks with data on the plat as to how the bearings were determined.
      (3)   Block and lot numbers in accordance with established standards and in conformity with the Town Tax Map. Services of the Board Engineer will be available to the developer to assist him in the assignment of lot and block numbers; the Engineer's fee for such service is to be paid by the developer.
      (4)   Cross sections, profiles and established grades of all streets as approved by the Town Engineer.
      (5)   Plans and profiles of all storm and sanitary sewers and water mains as approved by the Board Engineer.
   B.   In the case of a planned development, the application for final approval shall contain the following, unless waived by the Planning Board:
      (1)   A comparison of the final plan to the development schedule approved as part of the tentative plan, noting any changes or variations from the approved schedule and indicating the scope of the change(s), particularly any change in the total number of dwelling units to be constructed, the number by type of dwelling units to be constructed, the number of square feet of commercial uses to be constructed, the number by type of community facilities to be constructed, the acreage of common open space, the nature and cost of public improvements to be produced and the anticipated values of residential and commercial construction. If applicable, a report documenting the nature and reasons for the changes shall also be submitted.
      (2)   A land use plan at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet, including:
         (a)   A closed boundary survey of the total land area to be developed with area measurements to an accuracy of 0.10 acre.
         (b)   Locations of existing and proposed permanent monuments.
         (c)   Location, type and description of existing buildings, roads, easements, watercourses and drainage ways on and adjacent to the development area.
         (d)   Location and dimensions of all parking areas, proposed buildings and other structures.
         (e)   Horizontal alignment and geometry and clear sight dimensions for all proposed roads and intersections.
         (f)   Location of easements and areas to remain as commonly held or publicly held open space.
         (g)   Certification by a licensed land surveyor and/or professional engineer.
      (3)   A clearing, grading and drainage plan at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet showing:
         (a)   Location and defined limits of all clearing and/or removal of vegetative cover.
         (b)   Existing and proposed grades within the development area at a contour interval of two feet.
         (c)   Location and proposed grades and elevations for all buildings, roads, walks, storm sewers and other drainage structures and devices, retaining walls and other landscape constructions.
         (d)   Profiles of existing and proposed grades for roads, storm sewers and swales, abutting and within the site.
         (e)   Cross sections and typical construction details for all existing and proposed buildings, roads, drives, parking areas, walks, drainage facilities and other construction elements within the site.
      (4)   A utilities system plan at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet showing:
         (a)   Type and description of all utility lines located by dimensions.
         (b)   Location and elevation of all manholes, inlets, catch basins, hydrants and light standards.
         (c)   Profiles of existing and proposed grades for sanitary sewer and water lines.
         (d)   Location and typical construction details for utilities and easements.
         (e)   Certification by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer.
      (5)   Common open space organization documents. These documents shall show conformance with the provisions of Article XII of this chapter and shall include:
         (a)   Articles of incorporation for any homeowners' association, condominium association or other organization to maintain the common open space or community facilities.
         (b)   Bylaws and membership rules and regulations of any such organization defining its rights, duties and responsibilities.
         (c)   A copy of the master deed detailing the rights and privileges of individual owners in the areas of common open space.
         (d)   Covenants or easements restricting the use of the common open space.
         (e)   Covenants or agreements requiring homeowners or residents to pay the organization for the maintenance of the common open space and/or community facilities. This shall include a proposed schedule of membership fees for at least the first three years of operations.
      (6)   Other covenants and easements. These documents shall include any easements or covenants affecting any land in the development other than those easements and covenants already specified in Subsection B(5) of this section.
      (7)   Other maintenance agreements. These documents shall include any easements or proposed agreements under which private roads will be maintained, refuse collected or other supplementary services provided.
      (8)   Offer of dedication. The offer of dedication shall include all legal requirements for a valid dedication to the town or, where appropriate, to another governmental or public body of roads or other improvements intended for public ownership.