§ 175-12. Capital improvement program.
   A.   The Planning Board, at least every four years, shall prepare a program of municipal capital improvement projects projected over a term of at least six years and amendments thereto. Such program may encompass major projects being currently undertaken or future projects to be undertaken with federal, state, county and other public funds or under federal, state or county supervision. The first year of such program shall, upon adoption by the Town Council, constitute the capital budget of the town as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:4-43 et seq.
   B.   The program shall classify projects in regard to the urgency and need for realization and shall recommend a time sequence for their implementation. It may also contain the estimated cost of each project and indicate probable operating and maintenance costs and probable revenues, if any, as well as existing sources of funds or the need for additional sources of funds for the implementation and operation of each project. It shall, as far as possible, be based on existing information in the possession of the departments and agencies of the town and shall take into account public facility needs indicated by the prospective development shown in the Master Plan of the town or as permitted by other municipal land use controls.
   C.   In preparing the program, the Planning Board shall confer, in a manner deemed appropriate by the Board, with the Mayor, the chief fiscal officer, other town officials and agencies and the School Board or Boards. Any such program shall include an estimate of the displacement of persons and establishments caused by each recommended project.
   D.   In addition to any of the requirements in Subsection A of this section, every town department, authority or agency shall, upon request of the Planning Board, transmit to said Board a statement of all capital projects proposed to be undertaken by such town department, authority or agency, during the term of the program, for study, advice and recommendation by the Planning Board.
   E.   Whenever the Planning Board has prepared a capital improvement program pursuant to this section, it shall recommend such program to the Town Council, which may adopt such program with any modification approved by affirmative vote of a majority of the full authorized membership of the Town Council and with the reasons for said modification recorded in the minutes.
   F.   Notice.
      (1)   Notice by personal service or certified mail shall be made to the Atlantic County Planning Board of the adoption, revision or amendment of the town capital improvement program not more than 30 days after the date of such adoption, revision or amendment. Any notice provided hereunder shall include a copy of the proposed capital program or any proposed revision or amendment thereto, as the case may be.
      (2)   Notice of hearings to be held pursuant to this section shall state the date, time and place of the hearing and the nature of the matters to be considered. Any notice by certified mail pursuant to this section shall be deemed complete upon mailing.
   G.   Whenever the Planning Board shall have adopted any portion of the Master Plan, the Town Council or other public agency having jurisdiction over the subject matter, before taking action necessitating the expenditure of any public funds incidental to the location, character or extent of such project, shall refer the action involving such specific project to the Planning Board for review and recommendation in conjunction with such Master Plan and shall not act thereon without such recommendation or until 45 days have elapsed after such reference without receiving such recommendation. This requirement shall apply to action by a housing, parking, highway, special district or other authority, redevelopment agency, school board or other similar public agency, state, county or municipal.